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"Are you sure? I will immediately hire someone to clean up your space in case you change your mind." Rin offered to Jae Kyung while she's stuffing up her sandwich with some lettuces, while trapping the phone in between her cheek and her shoulder.

Jae Kyung was almost tempted to say yes, but she had already decided last night. She already faxed the papers to Jeonghan's lawyer and the other legal papers that need her signature. And now, she was just waiting for her home to be handed down to her estranged, forgotten husband.

"No, it's okay, Rin." She even shook her head. "It will only occupy some space if I send my things there." She frowned as she imagines how much things she's going to bring if she's going to live with Rin.

"Oh, c'mon, Jae. It's actually okay. You can leave your things that were not needed at the basement though. But it's good news that your client is so considerate towards you. Imagine, he or she is letting you stay there even if he already bought it."

She grimaced at the wistful voice of her friend. "And there goes that too." She said blankly.

If only Rin knows who the client is and how much Jeonghan has been making her suffer, maybe those words won't come out of her own mouth. And if only, she wouldn't live there even if she got all poor.

But she can't deny the fact that she's also glad that she could stay at her home. That's the only place that connects with her past memories.

But with Jeonghan inside the same house, she might just leave also. But it was that single condition he said in buying the house and that undeniable yet ugly fact that she need him to remember — almost as she needed her home — made her decide to stay.

"But until when will you allowed to stay there?" Rin asked.

"I don't really know, Rin." She sighed before munching down the sandwich she made. She really needs to buy decent meals.

"I guess I just have to save first before I move out and find my own place." She continued.

But fortunately for her, she could have time to do that and she doesn't need to deal with Jeonghan since he's not planning on staying there. She knows she own his own mansion, condo unit, vacation house, and any other properties all over the country. Surely, he won't stay in one place when he was moving from place to place constantly due to his business commitments. She knew the likes. So maybe it's alright for her to stay there for months or even years until she could finally stand on her own. She won't let herself live there for her whole lifetime. What if Jeonghan decided to live there? That would be her cue to leave.

But while she's still there, she still needs to have the answers from him. Or better yet, she'll have to force herself to remember.

"Is your buyer a girl or a boy?" Rin asked.

"A man, actually." She answered. But she immediately regretted it when she heard the amusement in Rin's voice.

"Oh . . ."

Her forehead creased at her friend's tone. "What?"


Jae Kyung rolled her eyes at her friend's teasing. But she stopped herself from telling her that her past boss that fired her from her work was the one who bought her house, for her to stop teasing.

"He'll not be staying here." She said to clear things out. "He just bought the house in addition to her already billion worth properties."

"Is he that wealthy?"

She made a face as she bit another piece of her dry sandwich. "That's how boastful he is."

"Oh, then just let him be. He's somewhat kind enough."

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now