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I looked at Jeonghan when he reached for my hand while driving. He was looking ahead of us, but I could see the stern compression of his lips. I don't know how many times he reached for my hand now. He does that every time I lose myself into my thoughts.

I sighed and held his hand tighter. I wondered if he could feel my anxiety, but I was just grateful he was with me. I didn't even know why I'm so nervous. Jeonghan's parents are very nice. But I couldn't seem to help myself.

But one thing's for sure. What I feel is not about being scared.

"Do you want to stop by and have something to eat? Maybe you're hungry?" Jeonghan asked when we passed by a fast food chain.

I shook my head. "I'm alright." I said. With the amount of breakfast he made for me this morning, maybe I'll be hungry after another hour.

We hit the road for a while before we got to their mansion. The Seventeen Mansion still has that power to snatch my breath every time I see it. It didn't have the modern look but it was its beauty. Its elegant and classical features made it stood out than the rest of the modern architecture.

Jeonghan rounded the grandiose fountain and pulled on the side. BI immediately went down when the engine was turned off. Jeonghan circled to my side and put his hand on my waist as we enter the mansion.

Chambermaids in uniform greeted us as we entered. Jeonghan let go of me for a while to remove his coat and give it to one of the maids.

"Where's Mom?" Jeonghan asked one of the maids.

"At the Edge Parlor, Sir. Together with your Dad."

Jeonghan took my hand and we walked inside together. I just followed him and on where he's taking me. I hadn't been really down here. I was just roaming around at the upper floors - when I tried to find Jeonghan.

I wished I could have time to appreciate the beauty in front of me and everything that I walked on, but I can't. I was nearly palpitating as we drew closer.

We got inside a room and Jeonghan made me sit on the blood red couch. "Wait here. I need to talk to talk to them first."

"Can't we do it together?"

He shook his head. "Let me talk to them first. Just stay here." Then he kissed my forehead before he turned away and enter a door at my right. Maybe that was the Edge parlor.

I sighed on my own. It was not long when Jeonghan was gone and a mad came in with a tray. She smiled at me while putting down the glass of drink and a slice of cake.

"Thank you." I said before she could go out.

Even if I'm not thirsty and not even a bit hungry, I did touch the food. I want to busy myself while Jeonghan's still inside. And I found that it was a tea. And the cake was not too sweet for my liking, like as if it was made for me.

I looked at the closed door again. What's taking him so long?

I stood up with the cup in my hand. I looked around the room and tried to identify the color of the wall paint. I even took a walk around the room and noticed the crest on the decorative cast iron on the mantel and along the wood panels of the window. Is it a personal design for Jeonghan's family? It kind of looked like a diamond to me.

Then I went next to look at the huge pictures on the walls. They were pictures of black and white. I thought it was captured by an old camera but when I went nearer I found out that it was hand printed.

I was drawn to the family portraits adorning the walls when the double doors suddenly swung open.

Jeonghan looked okay. But he didn't look happy too. I can't read him and on what they talked about inside.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now