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Jae Kyung didn't waste any time when Jeonghan stood up to take the call. She even heard him mutter a curse before he picked it up. She quickly scrambled to her feet and closed the buttons of her blouse with trembling fingers, noticing her legs were shaking too.

She shut her eyes closed tightly. She can't believe that Jeonghan managed to undo her top until her stomach was totally exposed at a very short time. What would've happened if his phone didn't ring?

Her guts squirmed with discomfort. She felt sick with humiliation. Why did she let that happen? How could she allow him to do that — kiss her?

But God knows she tried to push him away. Or did she really try her best?

"Tell Eunha I'll be there."

Her fingers froze from the piercing sensation she just felt, like an arrow shot right in the middle of her chest. She kept on catching her breath as she tries to succumb the pain she's feeling with one question in her head.

Why did that name hurt her like that?

The pain in her chest vanished as she put her hand on that part and let two buttons open from her top.

"Don't worry. That will not happen again." Jeonghan's harsh sarcastic voice shattered the silence that she didn't realize was hovering between them.

He's not on his phone now and he's standing right in front of her. He was looking at her with those intense, dark, furious eyes that created a lump in her throat.

With how Jeonghan is looking at her, it seems like he's blaming her for what happened. Well, he should be. He took advantage of her weakness. And he's not even sorry for it.

"It really would never happen again." She said when she found her voice.

"Please." He countered uninterestingly. "Don't act like you didn't like what happened. You almost went putty in my arms, I could've taken your clothes off and you wouldn't mind." He laughed mockingly at her. "You're still the same as before, Jae Kyung. You're still that needy bitch who can't fill her greedy hands."

Jae Kyung gasped. His deliberate rudeness shook her, firing her own temper, but at the same time, she felt a curious pain in her chest. She felt as though he stabbed a sharp knife through her heart.

And he called her a bitch.

Everything she felt before vanished. She just wanted to scratch him. "And you think I wanted to be kissed by a man like you?!"

He tsked while shaking his head. "Stop spouting lies and saying you're a demented patient. You're just wasting them on me."

She was about to speak when she met his sharp eyes as if its saying not to say something or even talk back on him.

"You think I'd believe your stupid story?" His eyes showed disbelief. "Let me tell you then that that was the lousiest lie and excuse you could ever throw after two years you walked out on me. And you can never fool me with your stories."

"I'm not making up a story! And for most, I'm not lying to you!" She can't stop herself from raising her voice anymore. She knew it was stupid, but she can't help but get hurt of what he's been saying. His word felt like knives in her chest.

She was telling him the truth and he was slapping it back to her. What did she even do that Jeonghan's doing this to her? That even if she'll beg for him to believe her, it would just make him think that she's lying. He was ready to believe the worst of her.

She shook her head. "I won't force you to believe me if you don't want to. Believe what you want. I don't care. I don't even really know you." As far as she was concerned, Jeonghan was still a stranger to her as the next man.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now