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"Ma'am, you're heading out?"

Jae Kyung slid her bag on her shoulder while going down the stairs. With her dark glasses, she saw Lin coming out of the kitchen and followed her to the living room.

"Yes. I'll go buy something quickly. I'll be back right after."

"Are you going to use the white car outside? The driver left it her, so you could use it as what Sir ordered."

She stopped from wearing her coat and eyed the door where the keys are hanged.

She sighed and pushed her hair back. "Did your Sir eat already?"

"Yes, Ma'am. But he just had coffee. He looked like he didn't sleep."

"What time did he leave?"

"Very early. He even cooked food at 6 am so when you wake up, you could immediately eat."

Jeonghan did that?

He's probably feeling guilty. Or maybe he wanted to make it up to her. He may be thinking that she would feel fine when she sees him being concern.

Well, whatever.

She went to the door and got the key of Jeonghan's car.

"You won't eat first, Ma'am?" Lin still followed her even if she's already heading out of the house. But she didn't slow down. She then turned on the white Ford Mustang Convertible.

"Later. When I come back." She said to Lin while she's waiting at the door.

"Okay, Ma'am."

She got inside the car. She waited for a while before turning the engine on. She's being indifferent since it's been a while since she's inside a car where she's the one driving.

She took off her dark glasses that were hiding her puffy eyes. They still felt sore and gritty after last night. She cried for the whole night until crying took her to sleep.

Last night, she felt like it was the end of the world for her. That the harsh reality of life was ripping her hope away from her and she can't do anything to fight back.

Her body is slowly slumping down because of how heavy her heart is. She slept feeling like that. She doesn't know if she was dreaming last night, or it was really Jeonghan who lay beside her until she fell asleep. But she saw him. And he was saying something she couldn't understand nor remember.

She sighed and started to back the car nervously and steady as she can. Their gate automatically opened, letting her see the wide road.

She just wanted to forget last night. What happened is too heavy for her. She still carries the heaviness of yesterday, but she also knows she can't let one of her feet buried deep under the ground. Her life will not end after everything that happened. It's not the end of the world for her. Besides, at the end of the day, she's still married to Jeonghan. They're still husband and wife.

But wasn't that why she was having this loads of pain inside her? They're married but she felt like they're boyfriend and girlfriend who's on the verge of breaking up.

She knew she must fight. She has to so they could save themselves from reaching that point. It's not really inevitable for a relationship to fall apart. There's no such thing as perfect relationship. There's no love if there's no pain. There are no smiles if there are no tears. And there's no strength if there's no weakness. Everything has crooked edge.

Not everyday will be happiness. Sometimes, we need to feel pain and sadness to become stronger. To protect and fight for what we have, on what matters most

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now