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Jae Kyung stayed in her room, confused. She knows that a few hours from now, Jeonghan would arrive home. But until now, she's still confused on where will she be sleeping tonight.

Maybe, if her memories hadn't returned, she would surely be waiting for him in his bedroom and not sitting here in the dark corners of her room, contemplating this situation.

Tonight, she just wanted to be alone with her thoughts and her memories breaking her heart all over again. She knows that her own bad feelings will never let her off and her conscience and she doesn't want Jeonghan to see it.

But after last night, she also knew that Jeonghan wouldn't let her sleep on a separate bed this time. But what about her? She couldn't lie down beside him and pretend she's okay when deep inside, her head and her whole world was crushing in agony. Jeonghan would know.

Curled up in a tight ball as she lied on her bed, she closed her eyes and this time, she didn't stop the ugly face of her forgotten past to rear up its head.

She always misses Jeonghan. Everyday. And it's getting hard for her especially that she knows she can't talk to him ever again. And it came to a point where she would wonder if it would be okay to call him or talk to him directly without talking to his secretary first.

The day Rafael asked her to be his Junior Chef, she wanted to tell Jeonghan. She wants him to know first about her happiness. It was only him she cared to share her happiness with.

So she called him. And she was so happy to hear his voice. She was rattling too much for happiness, she couldn't control herself.

"Rafael . . ." Jeonghan softly said that night. After all what she said, that's his only answer. "Can you tell me something that doesn't include his name?"

At that time, Jae Kyung could hear the anger in his voice and she doesn't know why. Was it jealousy? No . . . she crossed out that option because Jeonghan has no reason to be jealous about. She's always telling stories about Rafael because it's part of her plan and her dream. But he also knew that nothing's going on between her and him.

Since then, she didn't tell him about her day to day stories and on what's happening to her daily life. Because she can't help but to include Rafael on it.

But Rafael was nothing but a good friend to her. He became her walls when she left lonely and sad while craving for Jeonghan's presence.

And when she just stopped talking about herself, she got contented on watching the news to know about her husband's whereabouts.

She dreaded looking at news in the internet since she saw learned the truth about Jeonghan. But now, that's her easiest option. That's the only thing she could think of easily.

Thread about his family business taking over the country greeted her, and women. The talk of wedding bells and engagement about his lawyer was everywhere too. And it was hard for her to ignore them. And maybe, the distance worsened the sinking feeling she had.

She doesn't want to think about those things as the truth. She rejected to believe the lies.

She's this close to losing her faith to their marriage but she wanted to hold on still. She still believes in herself that they could still work things out. But that was the point of uncertainty, the haze in their life. She doesn't know what to do and fix.

Was it the distance? The time? The absence?

Jung Eunha. That's the name of the woman Jeonghan's parents talked about marrying their son. People were speculating that they were together. But because of their circumstances, their secret wedding, in the eyes of those people, Jeonghan was still available. And because of his promise to her, he couldn't say his vows belong to her. That there was a girl he had left in Paris who wore his ring.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now