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Silence wrapped around the room like a cloak encircling them right after Jeonghan explained their situation, and Jae Kyung could only feel her stomach churning as she sat there under those curious scrutinizing eyes.

Her heart was beating so erratically wild under her rib cage, and if it wasn't for Jeonghan's hand on hers that was keeping her still, it would have jumped out of her body and run away.

She felt so nervous that she can't even move. She can't even look at Jeonghan beside her, even her breathing as on count. She doesn't even care if Eunha was sitting there with them, listening.

She doesn't want to think. She certainly didn't want to entertain some morbid thoughts because it would only worsen the moment for her.

"Hmm . . ." Seungcheol hummed and she felt her heartbeat twitched, picking up a faster rhythm. She felt like the verdict was coming and she was just waiting for the knife to cut her head off.

Jeonghan had basically told them everything, from Paris to their secret wedding down to her amnesia —everything — except for the story about her betrayal — the time when she made a terrible mistake of leaving him. Other than that, he kept his story short, clear and precisely in order.

"Well, this is news." Seungcheol broke down the silence with his fingers crossed with each other. He was seated beside his wife, Taerin who's caressing her stomach while looking at them like she can't believe what she just heard.

"Shocking, huge news." Wonwoo continued. On all of them, Irene was the only one smiling and looks like she's cool with the news. "I just can't believe you hid it from us for so long, brother. Imagine? Six years? You even got married first that Wonu! And all the while mom plays a match maker . . ." Irene stopped and gasped. "Mom! You have to tell them!"

She had a hard time breathing. Things were going down in a slippery slope and Jae Kyung could only hope that she won't trip and end up flat on her bottom, because that would certainly hurt.

"So what are your plans now?" Junhui asked. "When will you tell Mom and Dad about this?" Jihoon continued.

Her head rise and she met Seungcheol's gaze that was directly towards her. It was a steady unreadable gaze. She doesn't know if he's mad or what. But from the way her heart slamming hard in her chest, she felt like it was the former.

"Uhm . . ." She cleared her throat and tried to find her voice. This was way harder than she thought.

Jeonghan's grip on her hand tightened that's why she turned to him. His eyes are directly looking at his sibling like he's not afraid of what they're going to do or say. His jaw was set, his eyes were unflinching, unblinking, and he seemed so prepared to fight for her — like a soldier in a battlefield, not backing down.

Right then, she realized that no matter what happened, Jeonghan will be her armor. He will shield her.

Just like that, she felt like the weight of anxiety that was pressing down on her was lifted up.

She's not alone in this life anymore.

"Of course, we're going to tell Dad and mom. But I have to make sure they're in good conditions before I introduce our marriage. I don't want to shock them. This may strain Mom's health."

Seungcheol nodded as if he understood what Jeonghan means. "So that's why you send them to vacation."

Her forehead creased. Why that is for her, Jeonghan has been planning on telling his family about them since then?

"Honestly, I can't believe that you're already married, Han. Damn! I wouldn't have told Mom that. You got me into trouble now!" Jisoo scratched the back of his neck while smirking.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now