43: MAIM

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Jae Kyung almost stumbled from the stairs just to get away from that place. She wants to leave the place and if she could, she wants to go home. But someone suddenly pulled her by her arm making her turn back. Jeonghan's harsh face came in view, his chest was breathing heavy and deep.

"Let me go." She said while pulling her arm off his grip.

Her arm slipped from his grip and took that chance to get away from him. But she didn't make that far before Jeonghan seized her again, spinning her around.

"Jeonghan, just stop!" She shouted. The security guards outside are starting to notice them, and the girl who was checking the attendance also seemed to notice them.

She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. She tried to pull away from his hold but he was closely restraining her with his both hands.

"Let me leave, Jeonghan."

His eyes sharpen and his grip tightened even more. "You will stay here."

"Stay?" Bitterness crossed her chest and she can't help but let it out in her voice. "Why should I? For you to embarrass me again?"

His face tightened visibly from anger and censure. "You're here because I need you with me, not because of what you think."

Need her? Liar! And he probably thinks she would believe him.

She shook her head while wiping the tear then almost slipped down. She could only feel grateful that nobody's out there to witness how miserable she felt.

But maybe he does need her to play the happy wife and pretend they're a happy couple. That she's a jewel he couldn't afford to lose.

A bitter smile that mirrored her bitter feelings crept on face. "So what? Do you want me to pretend that we're okay? Is that what you want? You want me to pretend that you're not ignoring me everytime I want something from you? You're being unfair, Jeonghan. Isn't it enough that you lied few minutes ago?"

"I am not lying and you won't leave unless you leave with me!" His teeth were clashing as he tried to pipe down his voice.

Does she frustrate him that much?

"I think you forgot that you just ordered someone to pick me up. I came here with your chauffeur, Jeonghan. So I'm leaving this place with him." She said with conviction.

She saw how his jaw clenched and how he tries to control his anger. His nose was flaring, his eyes went darker and his lips thinned. And she met his eyes without blinking. She could still feel the wet trail of her tears on her lashes.

He suddenly turned around and run his hand onto his face. She could see his frustration while he's facing his back on her, with his hand on his face. Her heart was pouring with so much emotion right now that she had the urge to reach out to him and hold him. But she felt all over the place.

He let go of a deep sigh and put his hand down, calmly facing her.

Jeonghan's tired eyes bore into hers. Soft and pleading. "Don't pick a fight, Jae. Not now. Not here. So please, I'm asking you to calm down and stay."

The fact that he looked pleading and sounded tired at the same time made her change her mind. But it could've been better if he just simply asked what upset her so much. At least, she knows he still cares. At least . . . he could make her feel secure.

But that is . . . he did not ask. Just that simple thing and it could've made a big difference.

She sighed. She's starting to care less. She's losing grip on her feelings. She suddenly felt drained and tired.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now