The Life Of a Teenage Girl.

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Chapter 7

He is wearing a grey plain shirt with some jeans and his hair is spiked up.
His beautiful bright blue eyes are on me.
"Yes yea..... Um so how you doin?"
He pointed at me.
"I- I'm doing pretty good. I'm kinda sore so yea." I stuttered.
Did he really care about me?
"That's good."
"Do you really care about me?"
It came out of my mouth quickly .
I put my hand over my mouth. Did I just say that? He just looked at me. He looked angry.
"Of course I care about you! You almost got hurt and god knows what happened if they could of done it!" He practically yelled.
He did didn't he?
I sat down on the bench on the porch as I just started at the stars. It was pretty late. I felt pressure on the bench. I turned to see Tyler looking at me. He looked more hot when the stars were reflecting his eyes making it brighter.
I gave him a smile trying him to make him feel better. He smiled back and held my hands with his. I looked at our hands and smiled brightly. We just sat there for a while till he let go of my hand.
"It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow Helena. Get better. Please for me." He said looking into my eyes.
I nodded as he walked away.
I did felt wired without his touch anymore. I missed it. I went back inside as I saw my friends ......not there.
There was a note on my wall. It said
"Don't be mad girl that we left. It was getting late . Hope you feel better!
- Felix,Lay, and Kay!"

I plopped down on my bed and feel asleep.

"Don't be serious!"
I signed and turned around and they gasped.
"Helena you look......HOT!" Layla said.
I hate shopping. It takes to long!
"I look like a slut." I said and gave them a look.
"No you don't. Stop being silly. Plus you need to attract mister Hotty."
Kayla said as she played with the bottom of her shorts.
"What is this for anyway!? It's just a party when people get drunk, have sex and eight months later they get a baby." I said .
"Please!!!! For me." They both gave me a sad face as I looked away.
"Must not give in!" I played as I put my hands over my face.
We laughed but it was ruined when Brad came in the view.
"Hello ladies ." He winked at me.I could see his eyes looking down at me and areas he should'nt be looking at.
I gasped quietly.
Layla was right there and he flirted with me! How dare he?!
"Brad you should go." I said with venom in my voice . The girls looked at me in shock as Brad just smirked.
"Brad hi. What are you doing here?"
His girlfriend ask as she gave him a kiss.
"Looking for you beautiful. "
He whispered something in her ear which made her blush and nodded.
"Girls I'm sorry but I gotta go!"
We sighed.
Brad grabbed her hand as they walked off.
"Lets buy you this dress."


I laughed as I felt my hair flying in the wind . This feeling got into me as I was on my board. I had my other leg on the ground and kicked it to make it move faster. I had my headphones in my ears and my phone in my pocket. I sang along to the lyrics.
"Were gonna let it burn, burn,burn,
Were gonna let it burn,burn,burn
When the lights turn off we don't know wh-"
"Your a great singer you know. You always have." A familiar voice says .
I turn to see who I haven't seen in a long time. My mouth fell open as I stumbled on my board. He put his arms around me so I wouldn't fall.
"In the flesh." He chuckled as I put my foot on my board leaving it there.
"I haven't seen you in like months!" I said with a smile.
He still had the shiny blonde hair with blue eyes and his glasses. He had a suit on. Work probably. He still looked young even at middle age.
"Yea so how's it going." He asked me.
"Uh it's good. You know same old."
"You shouldn't be alone here. Let me walk you."
"Too late." I mumbled.
"Too late for what?"
I sighed and bit my lip.
"Happened a couple of days ago. Nothing too serious but still........."
He had a sad face on. He was like my father. No he is.
"Who!" He said angry.
"I don't know but I got saved. It's ok. I'm fine." I ran my hand over my wavy brown hair.
"Let's go home."
We walked to his car in silence.
I mean it's not like I'm scared or nervous it's just I haven't seen him in a while. Will it be that same father and daughter relationship? Will anything change between us? I got so much questions to ask.
We stopped at a black honda. I haven't seen this car before.
"Is this your car?" I asked confused.
He laughed as nodded his head.
"It's new."
I made a "oh" as I got into the leather seats.
He got into the car and started it.
"How's your mother and sister?"
"There good I guess. I mean my mom is crazy but I know she loves me. My sister is annoying but I love her to death. She looks up to me ya know."
He nodded understanding.
"Your parents?" I asked.
"My parents are still living." He laughed lightly as I chuckled.
"I meet this boy."
He raised his eyebrow and looked at me in the mirror as he turned.
"And is this boy a friend or more?"
We talked about everything. So I gave him every little detail. He even listened to me. It's good to finally get everything out to a person. You know?
"Helena you just meet him. Thank god he saved you and all but you both need to spend time together and figure out your feelings. Take time. Slow things down."
I nodded. He gave the best advice i swear.
After that we talked so much I haven't even noticed we were at my house.
"Thank you Henry for everything. I mean it." I smiled asI knew he had my back.
Once we got out the car I gave him the biggest hug ever. He sighed as he hugged me back as I cried so lightly.
"Why are you crying?" He said. I could tell the sadness in his voice.
"I miss him so much Henry. I miss YOUR son so much. It hurts Henry. I'm afraid. I'm so afraid to find my feelings an- and- a- "
He pulled me back into him as I cried more. I wiped my tears and looked up at him.
"Thanks. I'm sorry."
I looked down at the floor.
"Let me see your mother." I nodded as I opened the door with my keys.
In the living room was my mom who was shocked to see my old boss.
"Henry!" She said shocked. But she seemed mad at the same time. Why?
"Hello Clarissa." He greeted as they should hands.
"You can stay for dinner if you want." I said looking into his eyes.
"I love to but I gotta get back to work. It was nice again Clar. See you again Helena." He waved as he closed the door.
That's was it? I wanted to talk to him more about things. I sighed and looked at mom who was angry.
"Where were you!?" She yelled it made me flinch.
"I went shopping with the girls to buy a dress and later on I meet with Henry."
I said.
"I was worried!"
"I understand that but please I'm here."
I was annoyed now. This always happens.
"Helena you got to get that boy out of your head! He is gone! He isn't coming back to you! Your father didn't come back did he?! No! He isn't co-"
I huffed heavy. My eyes were filled with anger. I was sad and angry at the same time. How dare she say those things!
"Don't you dare yell at me young lady!"
We started shouting about things as I heard a "smack!" I felt a sting on the side of my face as I stared at my own mother in front of me. Her hand was held up high as I held my red cheek where it stung.
Did she just smack me!? My mother wouldn't never smack me. She never did. I screamed and ran upstairs. I pulled my jacket off not caring where I put it and went to the bathroom. I took out some sleeping pills and filled a cup of water. I was gonna put the pills in my mouth but I stopped myself.
"For Carly." I whispered and angrily threw the pills and the water on the floor as I watched the scene unfold.
I cried and cried for hours. Her words keep repeating in my head.
I washed my face and feel onto my bed as I thought about the events that happened today.

''Helena, people don't cry because there weak. People cry because they have been strong for too long.''

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