The Life Of a Teenage Girl.

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Chapter 74

Prom part 1

"I can't believe this is happening... My- my little cousin is growing up!" Jen cried out as she ran her fingers through my curled bouncy hair. Jen was doing my makeup for me and she didn't want me to see myself. She wanted it to be a surprise. I was also suppose to have Layla do my make up for me but Jen decided to do it instead and who knows how much Layla spends on her makeup?! Like two hours. "Your going to look so beautiful!" She cheered as she clapped her hands together. I smiled up at her as I looked down at her children who were in their cribs just sucking on their fingers and looking at us. I didn't have my dress on yet since she didn't want me to ruin the dress while she was putting on my makeup. She was too neat today... She smiled at me as I bit my lip and signed. "What?" She asked me. "Are you really upset that I'm doing your makeup for you." She asked but I knew that she was joking in a way. A small smile was placed upon my lips as I shook my head and fiddled with my fingers. "No. It's not you. I- I- I just wish that mom was right here next to you, she would be smiling at me as you and her worked together to do my makeup and hair. I just feel- I don't know what I feel actually. About tonight, about everything. I feel so numb!" I explained to her. Jen's fingers slowly stopped as they stopped through my hair. She put her fingers out of my hair as she looked down at me with a face. Her face read dissapointed, sad, angry, confused, worried, and guilt. She bit her own lip as she looked down at me. "Hey- hey don't be numb. Tonight is the night! Its your Prom and this night means everything to you right now and you can't let anything get in the way of it." She then huffed.

"I also wish that your mother was here. She always did better than everyone in this house anyway." She then bitterly laugh as all I did was just stare up at her. Jen then looked down at me as she looked away and continued to do my hair as she keep curling the bottoms and running her fingers through my waves.

"I'm sorry Helena that I can't be a better cousin or guardian like your mother. She was always better at everything." She says as she shakes her head slightly.

I close my eyes and shake my head as I grabbed her arm. She stops as she carefully puts the curling iron away from my head so she doesn't burn me or anything. "Stop." I said softly. "That's not true. You done the best you could and that's all I need, that's all we need. I mean you help me through a lot, not just me but my father and my mother and so many more people. I'm truly grateful to have you cause if I didn't, I don't know what I would of done with myself. And my mother is still here, she can still help you with many things." I said as I placed my finger at her heart. Jen eyes turned softer as she smiled while biting her lip.

"Thanks ,you made me feel a lot better." She then finished the last piece of my hair as she curls the ends. She turns off the curling iron as she picks up my beautiful blue dress. "Here put this on and don't even bother to look at the mirror." She warns me as I laugh.

"Okay! Okay! I won't." She smiles at me as she walks towards my door.

Before she leaves the room, she turns towards me with a small smile. "Don't mess up your hair or makeup!" The door closes behind her. I smile as I take off my shirt and my shorts. I slid into the dress as I reach for my back zipper. I can't reach the top. I sigh as I call Jen into my room. She opens the door and closes it behind her. "What's the matter?" I point to my dress as her eyes widened. "Oh my goodness! You don't fit in the dress do you?! Helena! We don't have much time to buy a dress, I mean you could borrow my dress but its big and puffy. You know how I grew up in the eighties!" She startes yelling as she paces in circles around the room. I just stare at her in shock. "No! The zipper, I need help with that!" She turns to me as she calms down. "Oh okay.." She gets a little embarresed after her melt down. She comes around me as I feel her cold finger tips touch my skin as she zips my dress up. You can hear the zippppp in your ears as it vibrates throughout the room. She stands back as I smile and turn to her. I breath in a little as I look at her widened eyes. "So.. How do I look?" I ask her as she stops breathing for a second. "You- you look like a true angel Helena! Just like your mother too." She whispers as I smile and put a piece of my hair behind my ears. "Can I look at myself now?" I ask as she smiles and nods. She places her hands on my shoulders as she spins me around as I face the mirror. A gasp can be heard in the room. That's my gasp! Who am I looking at in the mirror? No, no, this is a new girl that I'm seeing. This is a different Helena, she doesn't look like the girl next door no more, she's more upgrade.

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