The Life Of a Teenage Girl.

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Chapter 9

"Dad?!" I said.
He finally called............
"Helena it's me." He said.
"Why didn't you call!"
I said angry.
"I'm sorry. I'm too busy. You know work and-"
"NO! Don't you 'I've been busy' me cause that as what you always say to me. Work, work, and work! You shouldn't call, you don't have the right too! After all these months you finally wanted to talk!? Yes your DAUGHTER NEEDED YOU AND YOU WERENT THERE! Where were you!?
I cried and cried myself to sleep mostly all the time. It's not healthy. I just- I- I need to start a new life....... Without YOU!"
I yelled my voice getting louder and louder. I had the right to say all those things.
The line was silent until I heard a sigh.
"Is that how you feel Helena? You should of told me. If you want, we could start a new life again."
My eyes popped out of my head again.
"No! We don't need you! And what is "we?" There is no "we." Maybe you should start a new life. Look maybe is a good idea but I've done it for months without you! I don't need you! We don't need you!"
"What about all that money I send you guys?! Without that you guys wouldn't have the stuff you have now!"
Did he really just say that?
"That money can go up your filthy, worthless, trash ass!" I yelled and threw my phone angrily at my bed.
I screamed in frustration. I wanted to pull my hair out.
I walked to the mirror in my room and looked at my reflection.
"I am strong and I won't cry. Tonight is the night of my life and I won't let ANYONE ruin it." I said with determined in my voice.
I repeated the words over and over until I calmed down.
I looked at the clock and I had a lot of time till the party started.
"Why do you look upset?" Carly asked, popping her head out of the door.
I jumped.
"Carly! What are you doing here?!"
She shrugged her small shoulders.
"I heard yelling and I wanted to see what is was about."
"It's nothing little one. Go back to your room." I told her as I pointed my finger out the door.
"But I wanna go to the park." She made a sad frown and she gave a puppy dog face.
"No Carly you know that dosn't work on me." I looked away.
She keep making the sad face.
"Carly stop! It's not gonna happen."
"But- but- why?! Eh- why- no!" She started stutter. She looked like she was about to-
"TAKE ME TO THE PARK NOW!" She screamed.
I covered my ears and gave up.
"Fine you little devil lets go! But I'm warning you we have to get back at six or five."
"Ok!" She said like a cherry in top looking all smiley.
"Kids... What you gonna do with them?" I mumbled.

"Can you swing me again?" She asked.
"You can swing yourself." I said looking at the little girl in front of me.
"Yea I know but you swing me higher than I could swing myself and it's soooo fun!" She cheered.
I rolled my eyes.
"Fine just this once and were out of here!"
She nodded and she kicked a rock and ran for a swing.
I sighed as I looked at my watch. We had a few minutes left.
"There you are!"
I heard a mother say as she catches her child and they both smile. Like old times. I smiled looking back at a memory between me and mom. Then it fell when I realize that we weren't talking to each other anymore.
Time passed as I took a swing next to my sister and we swung together.
"Let's go Carly. It's getting late and mom is worried."
I said as I stood up brushing my pants.
She did the same as we walked home.
"Do you wish that everything would be normal?" She asked as she looked up at the sky.
I turned to her.
"What do you mean?"
"Well it's just that this family- our family is running out of love. Dad ... I miss him."
I got angry. I bend down to her height and turned her face so she can look at me.
"Carly forget about dad. I mean yea he is your dad but-" I got caught in my own words.
"You need to forget the past and relive today. You have me and mom. Your friends too. I'm not gonna lie, me and mom are having problems but we both take good care of you. We always will."
She was crying and so was I. We have been through a lot. I hugged her as I picked her up. Half way when we were walking towards home, she was sleeping on me. I got in the house and I found mom talking on the phone with someone.
"She did- yea yea. Yes- but can you wait another day? I mean I'm busy those days and- yea- yea okay. Bye."
She hung up the phone and slammed it.
"What was that all about?" I asked as she jumped.
"Oh nothing it's just work." She sighed as she ran her fingers through her dark hair.
"I'm gonna go put Carly in her bed." I was gonna go up the stairs but I walked back to her.
"Where's Cody?"
"I fed him and gave him water. He's fine, he's just sleeping too."
I nodded as I walked up the stairs. This girl was pretty heavy for a little girl. I changed her clothes into pajamas and kissed her forhead.
"Goodnight my princess."
I walked into my room and took all my makeup out and my outfit. I looked at it before slipping it on. It was a black top that went up to my stomach. I put on my shorts that covered up it and my heels. I put in my red leather jacket as I got ready to put on my makeup. My eyeshadow was smokey black with some red glitter in it. I had long lashes so I didn't need to put any on. I put on my blush and my red lipstick. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked hot!
I mean I did wear something like this before but it's been a while.
My phone rings as I look at the screen. I roll my eyes and slide the lock and put it to my ear.
"Helena! Were here!" I hear
Layla yell.
"Okay I'm coming out."
I end the call and go outside and I feel the breeze go against my skin. Once I got to the car they both drop their mouths.
"You look hot!"
"You look amazing!"
They both said.
"Thank you lady's. You do too."
I said examining their outfits.
Layla is wearing a strapless short pink dress that shows her curves and all.
She had a jacket and her purse with some black heels. Kayla has a flower dress that goes up to her knees and some heels with her lace jacket. They both looked good.
Brad and Josh would sure go at them tonight.
"Come on, we have a party to get too."


sorry yes I know you hate me for stopping there put the party will be next. I was gonna write the party in this chapter but I'm not feeling well and I didn't want you guys saying you didn't update blah blah. I promise I will put it in the next chapter and a crazy scene will be up next! Bye unicorns!

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