The Life Of a Teenage Girl.

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Chapter 33

We went Inside the place as we ordered our tickets.

"Have a good time!" The girl said to us.

"Thanks!" Me and Tyler said together.

I giggled.

"Let's go!" I cheered as I grabbed him and stopped at a game..

"Ohh." My eyes lit up as I put my cheek to the glass.

"Let's pway this gwame." I was smushed against the glass so my words came out all retarded.

Tyler started to laugh and pulled me away from the glass.

"Your face is so close up, babe we can play, just wait okay."

I nodded but pouted knowing it would take a while to wait.

"Yay it's starting!" I sighed happily.

"Wait for it to pop up." He whispered in my ear as he stood behind me and placed his arms around my waist as he put his head in the crook of my neck.

I giggled as his breath tickled my skin making goosebumps go up and down my skin.

"Babe stop." I whispered to him.

He groaned as I smiled.

"Look the game is starting."

I put my hand on the handle as his hand went over mine as he moved the handle with me to help me.

"Oh my god, his nose is huge!" I gasped as I saw one of the players in the game.

Tyler laughed as I smiled.

"I love that laugh." I said as I raise my head to kiss him.

Our lips met as it moved in sink.

I moaned as Tyler smiled in the kiss.

"Game over!" The voice popped up as we both jumped and looked over to the screen.

We both started to laugh.

"Sorry I distracted you with my lips." Tyler winked at me as I laughed.

"That's fine cause I enjoyed most of it."

We both smiled as we went to play another game.

"Ninja boy!" I yelled as I saw the side of the game.

(Don't know if it's a real game or not. Comment cause I want to find out if it is or not)

We ran to the game but only to find a piece of paper over it that said it dosn't work.

"Aww!" I groaned. "It dosn't work!" I stomped my foot and folded my arms.

"Aw babe don't be like that." He said.

"Let me help you." He added.

"How?!" I asked.

"Close your eyes and put your hand on the buttons." He instructed.

I did what I was told to do.

"Good babe." I smiled.

"You know every button in the game, like how to punch and kick right?" He asked me.

"Hell yea." I said.

"Now, imagine that your ninja boy, walking down the ally of the streets."

I nodded my head as I pictured ninja boy in my mind.

"Oh no! It's the other ninjas trying to defeat you! Punch now!"

I pressed the top button as I imagined ninja boy punching the bad ninjas.

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