Chapter 26

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Your Point of View

"I'm sorry, how long have you two been married?" Dinah asked.

"About a week or so." Normani said. I nodded.

"And we didn't have a reception? What's wrong with y'all? I'm revoking ya black cards." Anderson said.

"How can you revoke mine? You're not even full black." Normani said. Anderson pointed at her.

"You got me there." He said.

"You can't revoke shit. You need to shut up before I take your a million dollars back." I said.

"I'm really not getting that damn money now. I'm mad." Anderson said.

"Why do you want more money so badly?" I asked.

"Cause I want it." He said.

"You know what? I won't be your legal guardian soon. It will be Normani. You can bother her all day, and she won't budge. I already told her you couldn't get more." I said.

"I can not believe how alike you and Mateo are. He was stingy too. You know where he is now? Hell. Know that." Anderson said.

"I'll keep that in mind when I'm booling with Jesus." I said.

"Normani, how far along are you?" Dinah asked.

"What?" Normani asked.

"Thank you! Sis was looking kinda pudgy, but you know I wasn't gonna say anything. How far along are you? You're showing pretty hard so I'm going with three months." Anderson said.

"Who said I was pregnant? I could just be gaining weight." Normani said. Dinah and Anderson crossed their arms. "I'm sixteen weeks. Don't tell a soul!"

"Finally!" Dinah said. She ran over and hugged Normani.

"That baby is getting most of the money, right?" Anderson said.

"Normani gets the six hundred million. When Normani dies, she will most likely give it to the children. You have a million dollars. Start a record company, be a producer, make a clothing line, be an actor. I don't care. You have my name. You can do whatever the hell you want. Be a surgeon like you always wanted to be." I said.

"Do I look like I wanna do that shit? I just say that in front of Frankie so he gives me money." Anderson said.

"I don't know how to help your ugly ass." I said.

"Wow. Wow! How do you think Jesus feels right now? Huh? How you think Jesus feel?!" Anderson said. I ignored him. Norah walked in the door.

"Hey, Channing." I said. He ran and jumped in my arms. I picked him up. Lil Man walked in and sat on my couch.

"Ace is looking for someone in this room. Issa a girl. Her last name is Carter. Her first name is Y/N. Guess who he looking for?" Lil Man said.

"Most likely me." I said.

"Correct." He said.

"Well I have a video to film tomorrow night in Haiti and then the next night I have a party, so he can get me after or whatever." I said.

"He ain't gone listen to you, but I mean you do you." Lil Man said.

"What's the video for?" Dinah asked.

"Oh Nunya damn business." I said. She pushed me.


"Robyn, Robyn, Robyn!" I said.

"There's my baby. They said I couldn't come see you." Rihanna said hugging me. I hugged her back.

"They told me the same thing." I said.

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