0. prison break

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Harry P.O.V

March 21st, 2022

I watched the New York Maximum Criminally Insane Prison fade further and further away, until finally becoming a dot in the rearview mirror.

The siren's wail was still ringing in my skull, but that didn't stop me from taking in a deep relaxing breath.

I had waited years for that moment; I didn't expect for it to come so soon. I hadn't expected to be broken out a few years into my sentence. Although there were no complaints on my part, I couldn't help but to be curious.

I leaned forward in my seat to talk to the lads. Zayn and Louis were both in prison officer uniforms. It was kind of crazy seeing how well it suited them. If I didn't know, I would have thought them to be police officers, not my partners in crime, literally. I ran a hand through my hair, ignoring the blood on my knuckles which could get in my hair.

"Not that I don't appreciate a badass prison break, but may I ask, why?" I inquired, hoping there wasn't some crazy motive.

'How can you even think that? Your life's fucked up lad. Of course there's a crazy motive!' The annoying voice in my head nagged.

"You're needed in France. Don Suaveterra called in an old favor from Calum, and here we are." Zayn answered.

'Told ya there will be something crazy.' The voice in my head taunted.

'Shut up.' I hissed back. Prison had a really bad effects on me. One of them was talking and arguing with myself.

However, the name Don Suaveterra had made my entire nervous system pause yet tingle at the same time. I hadn't expected to hear about that family ever again. Especially, after how things ended half a decade ago.

I couldn't believe it had been that long.

A figure with brown eyes and dark hair began to materialize in my mind. A familiar ache rose in my chest and I quickly pushed it back down, trying to regain control. I shook my head just before the image was complete and stopping myself to think of... Her.

I didn't let myself remember her name or anything that had to with her, family included. I worked so hard to detach myself, because I could not handle the intensity of how much I missed that person. Everything from that part of my life was stored in a small little box and pushed all the way back into the deeper part of my subconscious. With my past.

I simply didn't think about it, which I grew really good at. Or in other words, I didn't allow myself from doing so.

"I'm the last person Calum should be asking to get on board for this." I commented.

"He's not asking mate. You know we have no choice in the matter. Besides, you're directly connected to this too." Louis tartly commented. I could tell there was resentment to that family on his part. Not that I blamed him. Louis was at the prime of everything with a newborn son back then. He had a lot to lose and he lost it.

"Please tell me what I have to do in all of this." I demanded, feeling uneasy.

"Don needs you to go to France and protect his daughter and granddaughter." Zayn answered straight and forward cutting through all the bull.

'I thought she was serving time in an American prison? What does she need protection from? And when did she have a daughter?' I wondered, sinking further into confusion. I didn't recall the sister having a child or a reason to need protection from anyone.

"Not that daughter. The other younger one; the girl you married." Louis corrected me.

I felt the wind get knocked out of me, as if someone punched me with a huge force right in the stomach.

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