26. with her blood

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Part of me regretted acting so hastily but I did what I had to

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Part of me regretted acting so hastily but I did what I had to.

I punched Chema in the nose before he could pull the trigger and quickly snatched the gun out of his own hands. Turning it around, I quickly shot him in the shoulder.

I could tell it hurt him like a bitch but my mind had went into defensive mode. Especially when it came to Eleanor.

I wasn't going to allow anyone to touch her if possible. My little stunt cost us to get swarmed by his men. They managed to grab Eleanor no matter how hard I tried putting myself in the way.

There was no point in begging. Anyone smart enough knew that was not how it worked in such situations. No fucks are given so it's only a matter of seconds before they take your life.

Fuckers knew it too. As long as they had Eleanor, I behaved myself. I didn't want them to take it out on her.

If anyone had to go through pain if we didn't listen, it was definately her. I could handle whatever the pricks did. Even if I couldn't, I had to.

That is, I could do anything but them touch a hair on Elle.

"Stand up side by side." Chema's second hand, El Rojo barked in Spanish. Eleanor mimiced my actions holding onto my hand strongly.

They locked us in a cell together at a safe house of Chema's. Chema was upstairs somewhere getting medical attention for his wound.

"Which one of you wants to go first?" The red head cynically smiled placing his gaze solely on Eleanor. He was doing it to challenge me and I wanted to break his jaw so bad.

"No one touches her. I'll deal with it." I replied angrily.

"La queremos a ella." He shook his head and I tensed.

"Harry what's going on?" Eleanor whispered in a panic.

"Just stay behind me Eleanor." I snapped.

Eleanor looked away from me over to him and he cocked  his head.

"You love him?" He asked her suddenly in perfect English.

Eleanor's eyenrows rose in surprise but she quickly composes herself.

"Yes." She answered confidently.

"So then you're just going to let him continue paying for your mistakes?" He taunted her. I knew what he was trying to do.

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