thank you

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FUCK wow umm so that's over??

Guys I'm fucking crying because you have no idea how I feel. I started this series with Home back in 2016. It's now ending with Again in 2019!

So much time, nights up, tears of frustration, months of writers blocks, tears of joy, and so many things I can name man. Many times when I was feeling down I would come on here to write.

In my personal life I've gone through two relationships, graduated high school, had a miscarriage, almost got married in one of those 2 relationships, started uni then dropped out, TONS of family drama, friends were surprisingly okay, and countless of other things. My point is, some scurrrry and real life shit has happened and kinda is still? Lol

And I'm only 21! Can you imagine what the rest of my life has in store?

The point is, I could make a super long post about why I'm attached and why this book means alot, but in truth I won't. Only my characters in this universe and I know. I am going to be forever thankfully to them because it was awesome to get lost in their world when I couldn't handle the real one.

Eleanor and Harry will forever be my babies. Home and Again is their love story. As fucked up and crazy as it is, I truly hope you love it as much as I do. If you don't it's okay. Come back in a few years, after you've had a few real life experiences/relationships and reread. Maybe then you'll understand.

I'm glad this book grew with me and that I didn't give up. Even though I wanted too but only because of what was going on in my personal life. I persisted to finish till the end.

I do have to give thank you to one of my best friends ThatShitItTearsMeUp (why do I suddenly NOW have the confidence to call you that after 4 years almost???)

We met on here when she started reading my trash (lol jk) back in 2016. Without her these two books would not be where they are. Countless hours on the phone to discuss the book and giving me advice I'll forever be thankful for. For motivating me even when I had doubts and for being a real ONE and keeping it 100 always. No matter what happens next or where life goes, we for life at this POINT. Ain't going no where okay.

Lastly, I want to thank you guys the readers. The OGs from day one to the new readers who probably binge this in one reading. You have all made this experience amazing. I started out as a teen and now I'm a fricking adult. A whole lifetime it seems we've spent together but it ends..for now!

I do love you all. I do hope that you've learned something from this story. I do hope that no matter where life takes you and no matter how low you'll feel at times. That you guys push through it. That you truly never give up. As cheesy as that sounds I do mean it. Life is fucking hard OKAY. I'm not lying and I really wish I was. I was 17 when I started this book. I have gone through so much to get here at 21. Shit that's written in books but when you experience it you wish it would have stayed words you read. Life is hard and shit is always going to happen. It never stops. Learn that one thing now okay. But also learn that people can make this hard life worth it. Good people. Kind people. People that you love and that can mean anyone. Family, friend, idol, or whomever.

I guess what I've need trying to say is don't give up until you've found your home. Trust me that when you do. All of it will have been worth it. I still haven't found mine yet but everyone I've asked says so. They say ALL of it was worth it so please don't stop pushing through just yet.

Now final thing before I click complete on this mofo and smoke the fattest blunt everrrrrrrrrrrrr (I deserve it okay)

Home and Again are a two part series. Harry and Eleanor story is done for now. But somehow I'm not ready to let go of their universe just yet either. I tried for the longest time to come up with a third book plot and they were all flops.

Eventually the idea came along but only it wasn't Harry and Eleanor's story anymore. It was Freya's.

Crazy right?

Well don't get too excited yet. I do have the general plot in mind and tons of other details but it's all on hold for now. I've spent a good amount of years in this world and I have tons of other books demanding to be written. So for now just know that Freya GETS her own spin-off in the future. You will get to see what becomes of Heleanor and Freya years later. I can't say when but just know I'll return when the time is right.

I don't like saying goodbye when it's not the ending of things or the last time I'll see someone.

This isn't the last you'll see of me guys. Hopefully for many for years. Go check out my other works if you're done here. Go check out other people's works, there are many amazing works out! (Check my Favs❤list for recommendations). Go live life most importantly THOUGH. Don't worry..

We'll be seeing each other again.

Love you guys truly.



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