7. something falling in place

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Eleanor P

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Eleanor P.O.V

I can not do this, I kept thinking to myself as I forced my legs to take one step after the other.

Freya was going to see Harry. I couldn't stop it since I could clearly tell they needed it. Something deep inside me told me that I had to do it.

"Mommy you seem very nervous?" Freya chirped as my hands were struggling to put the key inside the lock.

Harry was sitting down in the living room like we had agreed. I was going to talk to Freya first before I let her inside.

"Someone is here to see you baby and mommy is just worried about how you'll feel." I answered truthfully.

"Is it Grandpapa and Grandmama?" Freya's eyes lit up excitedly. It made my heart melt that she loved her great grandparents.

"No love. Look, I know your Dad couldn't be around before but he is here now. He would love to meet you. It's okay if you're not alright with it. Don't worry I won't force you." I explained knowing that it was coming out all wrong.

Freya frowned for a second, not understanding what I told her. She looked at the door then to me, her eyes flickering back and forth.

"Daddy... is in there?" Freya questioned with a thick small voice.

"Yes. You don't have to go ins-" I tried reminding her, but Freya was already gone.

She pushed the door open and rushed inside.

"Freya!" I called after her stepping inside the apartment and shutting the door behind me.

"You're actually real." Freya whispered to Harry when she first saw him.

Harry looked at her as if he was seeing the sun light for the first time. I had no words to describe it.. He got down to her level and she all but jumped at him.

Her small frail arms wrapped themselves around his neck. Harry easily wrapped one arm around Freya's whole body. I saw how something in Harry just clicked into place.

Freya was meant to be Harry's daughter. The way he held on to her and she to him. It was like they were an extentison of each other. Two halves of a whole.

I felt a little jealous but deep down I knew Freya was more for Harry than me. She gave me a purpose but I could tell now, that she was Harry's real first love. I felt it and it didn't upset me.

I didn't know what love was myself until having Freya. Harry had never had real love in his life. Relationships don't count when I talked about this particular love. The love you have for your child never goes away. You can have many partners in life and love them. Someday, it might end and the love stops there. When it comes to a child you never stop. They can come up to be the way they are, but no matter what you'll still be there. It's unconditional it's real love.

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