one last dream (2)

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Eleanor's P.O.V

Everything feels so heavy that I wonder if I'm alive. If I can move but I don't seem to be able too. I can't even open my eyes yet even though I feel my conscious waking up. My throat feels so thick and there's a bitter aftertaste when I swallow. When I do that my throat feels like sandpaper from how dry it is. I try to swallow a couple more times despite how painful it is for me. Once I'm able too I open my mouth and breath in mouthfuls of air. That didn't feel as good as I was expecting honestly.

"Take it easy." A familiar male voice coaches.

The bitter aftertaste in my mouth travels down to my stomach. It churns painfully but somehow I gather strength from it and open my eyes. They sting painfully but after a couple of seconds they finally adjust to the brightness of the room.

Desmond is sitting on a cream colored couch close to the bed. There's a book in his lap that makes me wonder if he was watching me? He leans forward resting his elbows on his knees. That almost closes the distance between us.

"You've slept for nearly two days. I'd say you were rather stressed and needed it." Desmond mentions setting the book down on the couch by his knee.

"You tranquilized me with who knows what asshole!" I croaked after I could gather enough strength.

"Nothing that will have permanent effects, you have my word." Desmond smiles warmly and I wonder what the fuck is going on.

This man has done the impossible to get me where I am. Yet this is how I'm being treated? Or it's all a sick joke before the real horror begins. 'You frighten the sheep it fouls the meat' Chema once said. I understand what he truly meant now. I wasn't going to fall for it. More than ever I have to keep my guard up.

Without a command or concious thought on my part. A hand travels down to my belly and thankfully I still feel this little bean there. I can't describe it but the feeling I get when I do that. I feel it. We're still in this together for now. If only that were enough to really push me through this.

"I won't even spend energy worrying if that's true or not. I'll be dead soon anyways." I mutter shutting my eyes for a moment willing the incoming headache to leave.

"You're not going to die Eleanor. Not unless you try to leave me of course." Desmond chuckles once again offering a friendly smile. I'm confused by his choice of words but I don't think too much of it. Not when I have to focus on other things anyways.

"You might as well kill me if you think I'll remain alive so you can torture me. I'll kill myself one way or another before I become a toy for you." My eyes flash to his. I hate how the green is his resemble Harry's making this more painful.

"I'm not going to torture you Eleanor. That would ruin everything I've worked for and that's not why I brought you here. I've worked so hard to get you, to get this chance." Desmond mutters sounding annoyed with me.

I'm honestly so confused and the more he talks the less things make sense.

"Why would I believe anything you say? You're an evil man." I spat.

"You say I'm evil, but I say I'm just wired differently. Others look at a puppy and see something cute, but I see something I can kill. I don't want to just shoot it though, I want to see how long it can last while I disembowel it nice and slow. I want to see the light go out in it's rodent eyes while I examine it's innards. I could say it's for science, but that would be a lie. The truth is I enjoy it. I get a kick out of it. And so does Harry, he's like me in that sense. He hates to admit it but it will always be true," He pauses for a second cocking his head to the side as if to get a better angle, "what about you Eleanor, have you ever wanted to kill something? Not just kill and be done with it, but truly taking the time to kill the essence of what fills these cadavers. See how far you can take them before they welcome death eagerly?"

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