1. last good morning

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Eleanor P.O.V

May 3rd, 2022

I wondered what my day would consist of.

I looked at my clock, noticing I hae exactly forty minutes until I had to be at work, and Freya had to be in preschool.

I looked over in between the sheets next to me, until I find my little curly haired devil, still fast asleep. I hated waking up Freya when she was still sleeping. I felt guilty disturbing her in her peaceful world. But we both had places to be.

I kissed the top of her nose, causing her to stir and groan, opening a pair of hazel eyes to look at me.

"Mommy, I want to sleep." Freya pleaded.

"Can you be a big girl for Mommy, and get ready today? I'll make you pancakes." I bargained with her, knowing I'll get a complying kid.

"With strawberry syrup?" Freya narrowed her eyes at me, as if that was a deal breaker.

"With strawberry syrupy." I nodded. Freya got up immediately, jumping off the bed and heading over to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

I laid my head back down for a moment to just relax before I thought about what to do next.

I heard a squeal come from the bathroom, following a noise of splashing.

"Freya, please don't make a mess in there! Hurry up, so you can get dressed and I'll make breakfast." I said seriously. If I didn't get on Freya, she would have probably messed around and made both of us late. I heard the water turn off with my kid running out of the bathroom.

I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth in the bathroom. After that, I brushed my hair before washing my face. When I was satisfied with my hygiene, I went to check on Freya in her room.

She was a little fashionista and her fashion sense and style never ceased to amaze me. She was so independent getting herself dressed and ready on her own.

I smiled as I walked in on her brushing her hair.

Sometimes, I wondered if she was more of Harry's daughter than me.

Physically, Freya resembled the both of us equally. Personality wise, she had a lot of Harry's gestures and quirks.

"What do you want to do with your hair today?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"I want to leave it down." She declared.

"Mommy has to change and we'll get to breakfast. Put on your shoes will you, Freya?" I reminded her before going back to my room.

I changed quickly into a simple maroon dress with knee length boots. I figured that it was chilly outside, so I got a Cardigan.

I grabbed my phone, connecting it to my Bluetooth speaker in the kitchen. I pressed shuffle on my music, letting it play in the background.

Freya came running out of her room, almost ready with her shoes on.

"Your backpack Missy, and a jacket please!" I remembered that she needed that before we leave.

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