16. it ain't me

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By my third shot, I realised that slowing it down would be the best for me

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By my third shot, I realised that slowing it down would be the best for me. I could feel the liquor rushing to my head and my thoughts become less coherent. My limbs felt more fluid. I was loosening up but still couldn't decide if it was a good thing or not.

"What are the chances those two are having more than one kind of reunion?" I slurred at Zayn, slamming down my shot glass.

"Zero. I know Essie and I know H. Trust me, they'd most likely claw each others eyes out before fucking." Zayn said loudly so I could hear him over the music. I smiled half-heartly at his attempt to reassure me but it didn't work.

Even hearing that from him, who was his best friend, didn't inspire much confidence, but I brushed it off. Why did I care anyways? I made it perfectly clear time and time again I wasn't ready for anything serious. He may be the father of my child but he didn't owe me any loyalty.

"Harry loves you Eleanor. Don't trip about Esther being in the picture now." Zayn mumbled in my ear.

"You want to dance?" I offered, refusing to allow myself to worry about Harry's actions. He could do what he wanted and pleased.

"I'll dance next to you but not with you." Zayn responded.

"Am I that bad Malik?" I teased, the alcohal hitting me in full effect. I uncrossed my arms so that it gave Zayn a better view of my cleavage.

Zayn flexed his jaw when he noticed what I was doing and shook his head whilst continuing to make eye contact. I smiled, licking my lower lip then moving my gaze to Zayn's.

Zayn chuckled leaning away from me after realizing what was going on. I smirked not backing down. I came this far, I might as well carry on. Besides now that I was really noticing him, I realised that Zayn really was attractive.

A perfectly sculpted face is the canvas for his godlike features. Full, tempting lips, and stunning, mysterious hazel eyes. I hadn't seen much of him before now that I think about it. I remembered that he was at the wedding and one or two times at the house since.

I never actaully paid attention to any of Harry's friends before but that didn't mean it was too late.

"Eleanor you've had some drinks. I think they're starting to get to you." Zayn murmured looking away from me at the same time putting space too. I hopped off the bar stool to come and stand in between in his legs. I placed a manicured hand on his thigh in order to gain some balance.

Getting off the stool like that was foolish.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I shrugged nonchantly wrapping my arms around his neck. Being this close to him made the air thick with tension. Zayn placed an arm high on my waist and tried to keep some length.

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