19. poker face

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Harry P

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Harry P.O.V

"Harry? It's been years! How are you?" My old Nan Emily, exclaimed once we stepped into the house.

Finding Desmond's home wasn't too hard nor far from the bus station. We still had to take public transportation to stay off the radar. Calum told us that Interpol was being pressured by the United States to step in. Thankfully, we were just a step or two ahead of them always. That and laying low in public.

"I know Nan. Time has gone by so fast hasn't it?" I agreed with her. I looked away for a second to look around the house. It still looked the same from the last time I was there, which was around when I was 14. This was the house Desmond's grew up in, but it was our vacation home, from time to time. Not like we had many of those.

"This one was a trouble maker, just like his father I tell you." Emily joked looking over to Eleanor. I flinch when she said that. Most people must get happy to hear about similarities with their parents but not me.

"Was he now?" Eleanor politely answered.

"You must be Eleanor?" Emily asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Eleanor frowned in confusion. I looked at Nan too, awaiting her response. I hadn't seen her in years nor was she at the wedding. I didn't even think the news about me getting married reached out here.

"You're the spitting image of your mother when she was young. Don and her visited a few times before all you babies were born. How are your parents by the way?" Emily responded.

"They are fine, I suppose. I haven't seen them in a couple of years. I live in France and they are in the states." Eleanor responded softly.

"What can I do for you child?" She asked, turning to look at me with a warm smile.

"Nan, I wanted to know if we could talk about my Dad. I have some questions about him growing up and as you know, Papa and Nonnie passed away a long time ago. So there's only you left to answer what I need to know." I got straight to the point.

Emily frowned, confused but nonetheless agreed to talk. She guided us from the front room into my father's old study. Some things never seem to go out of style apparently. Everything looked exactly since the last time I'd been in that room.

"Is Desmond okay child?" Emily questioned once we sat on the couches.

"Not in the head... but I guess he is physically." I muttered bitterly.

"Harry! Why would you say that about your father?" Emily gasped looking at Eleanor to scold me as well. Elle left her hanging though, so she looked back to me.

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