4. eyes on fire

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The computer screen was the first thing that suffered my wrath

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The computer screen was the first thing that suffered my wrath. For hours, we had radio silence on Nathan's trail. I was going ballistic not being able to track down his movement. The last sighting Niall had of him was in Bordeaux, which was only a fucking train station away from Paris. 

I knew he was getting close but I thought I had it under control. 

I was suddenly feeling anxious if he had gotten within a mile close of Freya and Eleanor.

All the boys were on board with finding this man. Nathan had managed to escape my radar for a few hours only to pop up in the last place I expected him too.

"Harry, he might not even hurt them. Look he's taking Eleanor out on a date. What lad takes a girl he's been instructed to kill on a date, mate?" Zayn tried to calm me down.

"You really aren't helping with that." Louis chipped in from where he was sitting.

"Shut up Lou. He's punched one of our monitors out and you haven't done shit about it." Zayn chastised him.

"Pointing out the obvious fact, that his daughter's mother is on a date, looking like a milf, with his sworn nemesis is a no no Zaynie." Louis clicked his tongue  unapprovingly. 

I punched the table.

"Oh now you've done it." Zayn said quietly keeping his eyes on me.

My head cocked to the side slowly so I could offer them both murderous glances.

"Just shut the fuck up." I stated menacingly, before pausing to take a breath and finish calmly. Then shot them both a glare in warning. The anger inside of me was boiling hot and furious like a volcano. I was beyond seeing red or counting to ten pissed off. Yet I knew that I needed to remain calm and focused. I couldn't do what I wanted to do.

My fingers were itching to break my way out of the damn car and go stab Nathan with his own steak knife. That motherfucker had a fucking trigger set on him. He was a dead man walking.

My eyes glued themselves back on the screen where Eleanor and Nathan were shown sitting. It looked like they were having a good time by how much Eleanor smiled. That and she seemed to laugh every two seconds.

Nathan Hayes was my best friend from birth till I moved to the states. His parents then sent him out one summer with us. I was younger then, learning the ropes about this business. Desmond had me under tight pressure and at every chance he got, he made me feel like shit.

I already felt like I had a lot to prove to Desmond then. Having Nathan around during that time was tense. He found out about the business obviously, but he was, in some ways, better at it than me. 

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