The End/Part Two: Dominican Republic

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Harry P.O.V

"You should take this one Harry." Zayn spoke and his tone that told me I should. It's been a few days since we talked to Shreya and her husband. I've been hiding out where ever I can away from everybody because I couldn't stand seeing how l let everyone down. Unfortunely the boys always knew where to find me. I notice Louis hiding behind Zayn at the door as well.

I let out a deep sigh before holding out my hand without even looking at Zayn. At this point I don't know what else to expect. I'm so ready to call it quits but I know I just can't. Eleanor has never given up on me before. Maybe once in the past but after that never again, she didn't understand the first time around. So I cannot stop until I bring her home. Cause she wouldn't stop if the roles were reversed.

'Dead or alive' My mind whispers in reminder and I hate to acknowledge it. That is my worst fear at the moment but I know I have to keep my word. Eleanor needs to be with her family in the end. No matter what.

I blink rapidly so that the tears don't fall over but that doesn't work. I appreaciate Zayn looking the other way to give me a moment. I know he wants to say more but must not have the words and that's okay. He's here with me right now and that means more than he'll know.

I wait until Louis and Zayn leave the room before placing the phone over my ear.

"Hello, who's this?" I demand right away, the energy in my voice not matching up though.

"Hello Harry, this is your mother." The other voice finally spoke and I'm perplexed. Suddenly there's a boost of energy inside me somewhere and it's not good energy.

"You were never my mother, you just gave birth to me." I spat acidly.

It has been years since I've spoken to this woman. Years since I last saw her also. Years since we've interacted now that I think of it. What's sadder is the short amount of years she spent being our mother before letting Desmond do as he pleased. Why did she care so much only to really not give a damn in the end? I'll never understand that.

"I deserve your hate. I deserve Gemma's indifference. I deserve everything Harry and I know that."

"Look at what has been made of our lives? What good is your understanding doing now?" I snarl.

"It's trying to help you Harry." She says softly and I blink not believing her.

Anne has never helped me a day in her life. I'm the prime example of what good her help has done. She's probably just trying to get information from me for Desmond. The fact that she called me should be ringing bells but I can't focus on that right now.

"I'm gonna give you one chance before I hangup the phone." I threaten even though I don't really mean it.

"Desmond is taking Eleanor to an Island next and I know how much you her back. I can help." She says knowingly and I clench a fist tightly. Part of me wants to listen to this feeling inside that Anne is truly helping me. Yet this other bigger part believes nothing she has to say. The bigger part is winning because when have I ever been able to trust her?

"What do you want?" I demand knowing this isn't going to come without a price.

"I'd like a chance to be the mum I should have been. The mum I know I am and can still be for you." Anne responds after a moment.

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