girl on fire

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Eleanor P.O.V

back to the present

Too much was going on and Freya looks more confused by the second. She doesn't understand why Esther and Eliza are down. There's a man she doesn't recognize bleeding out in the trunk of a random car. There's too much commotion going on for her small brain to understand.

Harry is useless walking away up the stairs, acting like right now isn't happening. I hate when he's dissociating sometimes. He's already had to reach at times and when I really start to lose him doesn't make it easier. I need him to snap back to me. I can't do this by myself.

"Harry please look at me!" I shout to his moving figure. Is he that far gone that he cannot hear me?

"Daddy what's going on? Is Auntie Eliza and Essie dying too?" Freya questions getting more hysteric.

Suddenly I remember Nathan in the back seat and my anger becomes greater. He brought him here without thinking it through. From what I understood they hated each other. At the last minute he decided to play hero for who knows what goddamn reason.

For months Harry's done nothing but shove down my throat how I don't think things through. That I act recklessly or that I don't react. More than once he's tried to demean me for it. Making me feel like I don't know what's right or that things go wrong when I'm in control.

He finally pauses where he is and turns back to me. I take my only shot at having his attention.

"What about Nathan? You're not dumping that on us Harry, you decide!" I snarl jabbing a finger into Harry's chest. I bet he can see the fury in my eyes. This has all gone completely wrong in so many ways.

I hear a loud gasp and out of the corner of my eye I see Eliza stirring.

"MOVE MOM!" She yells jumping out of the wheelchair and we all turn.

With everything that's been going on, the last thing I expected to see, was Desmond pointing a gun in our direction. It was one of those moments where I wish everything could just pause. Too much is going on that I can't process accordingly. I know his presence is a threat and I know something horrible is going to happen.

I'm not seeming to react like should. I stay frozen and only my mouth moves. Instinctively I reach out for Freya and grip her arm as hard as I can and push her behind me. I see Desmond trying to aim and I don't know at who.

"NO!" I shout but it's too late, the gun goes off. I see Eliza jumping in front of my parents but suddenly she's not?

Instead both my mom and Eliza are now both falling together with someone standing over them. A single gasp escapes as I watch how the bullet impacts my father. Didn't matter where it landed honestly because out of everyone who could have been hit. My father was the worst option. He has no immune system to help him survive this.

Out of everything that's the first thing I'm thinking of right now.

Not about the fact that my father is standing looking back at me with stunned eyes. I remember the first time I was shot as well and can possibly relate to how he is feeling right now.

I want to make my legs move but I can't and my father coughs blood. A hand reaches up seconds before he falls to remove his air mask. He falls right into my mother's arms who's being held up by Eliza.

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