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Eleanor P

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Eleanor P.O.V

"We have to talk about it at some point. Coming to a shooting range isn't the most normal thing in the world." I tried pleading with Harry. But Harry being Harry, he kept ignoring me, shooting round after round.

After a while, the smell of gunpowder didn't bother me as much. What bothered me was seeing how good Harry managed a gun. It was like another limb or extension of him. No matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't budge.

"What is there to talk about? Your mother ruined my life -our lives- before we were even born. That's all there is to it." He snapped, finally giving me a sign that I was getting through to him.

"Harry stop! We don't know what happened so let's not talk about which parent's fault it is just yet." I crossed my arm.

Even though Clarissa wasn't the ideal mom growing up, she was still my mom. So yes, even though I was royally pissed and hurt, I stood up for her. It bothered me to hear people talk bad about her when she was not around.

I don't know why I felt like that. It's hard to hate someone you love. No matter wha, she was the mom that I was given. The only mother I would have in this life. So, even though she hurt me and betrayed me in the worst way, I couldn't stop loving her.

When I found myself missing my parents, I tried time and time to remind myself of what they have done to me. The opportunity at a normal life they robbed me of. And every time, it was useless. I always loved them the way I knew they loved me. Things were just not okay enough for anyone to reach out. I was certainly not ready to talk anything at all with them.

"I know the truth Eleanor. Finding out who she was, is the last missing piece for this to make sense. So just let me be pissed for a moment." Harry grunted.

"Can you talk to me though? This is what I didn't like the first time around. You never talked your actual feelings with me." I snapped.

"You were no saint. Also maybe I don't talk to you because I don't feel like I can."

"That's not fair. You're not giving me a chance." I muttered.

"Life isn't fair. Don't you get it? Where was my chance at a normal fucking life? With a normal loving father? Maybe then I wouldn't be so fucked up." Harry rambled, placing down the gun. We were out of ammo. Thank goodness. I didn't know how much more I would have been able to stand.

"I'm sorry Harry. You deserved better and I understand that with all my heart. You were just a little boy who wanted to be loved. None of it was your fault yet you paid for it. I am so sorry." I said. My heart burnt with agony. I wished so much that I could change Harry's childhood. Change his whole life.

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