3. call from a friend

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Eleanor P.O.V

I stopped again in the middle of the street to look behind me, for the fifth time. I was beginning to feel paranoid.

I didn't believe I had a reason to be paranoid though. I had dealt with everything years ago. I would have gotten a heads up from Eliza or Leslie, if they heard anything.

My phone rang that very second, and I continued walking so I could answer on the side walk.

"Hey!" I greeted, when I noticed the American number before to answering.

"Hey you! How's the little munchkin?" Esther laughsed in the earpiece.

"I'm actually on my way to pick her up from daycare. What are you up to, Essie?" 

"Well, I was calling because remember that art show, I was dying to get my work into it?" She reminded me.

"The one in Italy?! Yes, I do. Did you get in?" I asked, getting excited for her. Esther definitely enjoyed the most out of her new freedom. I didn't disagree either. I encouraged her, mostly to go out and see the world.

She said she'd already been all around the world. Sometimes, I forgot the circumstances we met under. Esther had taken advantage of being in our position when she was in it. Something I should have done if I had known that I could get away with a lot. 

I could have gone to school like I wanted. My life could have been different. Maybe, I would have been under the illusion longer and could have spent more time with Harry. 

"You bet your sweet ass, I did!" Esther confirmed, and my happiness multiplied by a thousand times.

"Congratulations, Essie! I'm proud of you and you really deserve this. Especially with all the hard work you put in these years." I praised her cheerfully with ahuge smile on my face.

"A million thank you's! Oh, I wish I was in bloody town so we could fuck shit up. I've missed you guys." Esther said. I could ear the thick emotion in her tone.

"Essie, why are you down?" I asked her, going straight for it. 

"I've been getting weird messages or stuff left behind on my doorstep. It's kinda bugging me out, lassie. They left two dead rats in a box, just a few hours ago. It's freaking me out, 'cause who takes the time to do this?" Esther ranted.

"What kind of messages do you get?" I made sure to pay attention as I was crossing the street. The streets were full with cars and not everyone drove as cautiously. Thankfully, I crossed without accident and continued going on my way.

"Two rats, two hits is one that they use the most. Have you gotten anything, bugs?" 

"No! Thank goodness, nothing crazy like that has happened over here. You think it means anything babe?" I asked, dreading the answer. The back of my neck prickled as the feeling of being watched resurfaced. 

Esther said something but I was not listening, because I was too busy looking around, searching to see what kept triggering the feeling.

I looked around a people's faces to see if someone was watching me. But everyone just kept going on about their way. Some even gave me looks for just standing there looking around like a creep. My heartbeat increased and I got goosebumps on my skin. The feeling of fear wasn't something I liked. I wanted a peaceful life; that was the exact reason why I walked away with my daughter.

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