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1. Breathe by Lauv

Emme Wilson

Dal and I decided to walk to the dingo cos why not. The day was pretty nice and there was still sun out. We walked passed the lot and could see Johnny and Ponyboy hanging out. They were just walking around, cigarettes in hand and soon stopped at the stop sign. I could tell they were doing something funny.

"So, how's it been lately dal?" I asked him.

"Well I just got outta the cooler, not much man." He said ruffling his jacket.

"Cooler?!" I stopped and slapped his arm. "Dal what did you do this time?"

"Slashed Tim's tyres." He shrugged.

"Now why in the world would you do that?"

"He got it coming for him man, he was with my broad. Sylvia." Dally said.

"Oh, well that's understandable then." I said shaking it off.

"You got a cancer stick Em?" He asked me.

"Yeah Dally." I said looking for one in my jacket. I couldn't find one so I decided to share mine with him. I took a long drag and let it through my nose. I gave it to him and he thanked me.

He looked a drag in two quick seconds and another after another. He took one finally drag and as he blew it out, I could hear the roar of a mustang engine.

"Oh great." I said obviously annoyed.

"Let's just play it cool."

"Hey! Nice cakes you get there sweet cheeks!"

"Why don't you come over and hangout with us instead of this clown?"

I turned around and Dally grabbed me to turn back.

"Hey man, don't treat her that way!" One said and I heard him stop the car.

"Hey man, no funny business before a rumble." Dally turned around.

"This anit no funny business, just enjoying our time looking at her." He said smirking at me.

"Your obviously drunk and I take no part of 'that'." I said pointing at him in disgust.

"Well baby I'll be looking for you at the rumble." And with that they got in their car and drove off in the other direction.


"You got a blade on you?" Dal asked me.

I reached in my back pocket and it was nowhere, I couldn't feel it.

"I had it in my back pocket-" I looked up to Dally and there he was switching my butterfly knife around.

"Dally quit it. Do you even know how to use a butterfly?" I asked him.

"NO, but it's fun trying." He said and immediately cut his finger.

"Man." He said dropping the knife and holding his ring finger.

"What did I tell you." I said grabbing the knife.

I picked it off from the ground, it was a golden emerald. My dad gave it to me when I was younger. Pony always liked it, he liked the golden part atleast. I shake my head and grab a cloth from my jacket it and clean it. I put it in the pocket f my jacket and look at Dally whining.

"This is what happens when you grab a girl's switchblade from her back." I said smirking at him.


We arrived at the Dingo in a nick of time. We sat down at the bar and saw Sylvia working.

"Hey doll can we get roy rogers?" Dally asked, "Actually a roy roger and a beer."

"Sure thing stud." She said.

"Beer Dally? Especially before a rumble?" I asked.

"Don't worry man, we will split it." He said winking.

"Hey Sylvia also too burgers!" I asked.

"So I'm sorry to ask this but Pony wanted to know if your okay."

I looked up from the ground and made eye contact with him, "Yeah I'm fine."

"Alright, what happened between you both anyway?" He asked as Sylvia dropped off the drinks.

I groaned, " Do you really want to know?" "Ye."

"I mean I remember the night well, I was with you and Pone stood you up right?" He said.

"Yeah, but there was more..."

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