cuarenta y dos

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1. make daddy proud by blackbear

Emme Wilson

Homecoming was a great night but I was over it. Not much happened after the dance. Soda picked us up and once we got home, Pony and I secretly took a shower together. Nothing happen but it was for sure steamy in there.

After meeting Michelle, Pony thought it was a good idea that we had a double date, show Michelle the reins of Tulsa. We wanted to show her the drive in and maybe check out the dingo for some milkshakes.

It was Saturday morning and Pony and I just laid in bed until it hit afternoon. Our double date was meeting us at 4 so that we would have enough time to walk to the drive in, get food, find spots, and enjoy the movie. I think Gone in the Wind was playing again but Pony said it was probably unlikely.

I rolled over to him and moved my leg on his leg. I rested it there until he tried to pin me to the bed. I giggled and rolled my eyes at him as I immediately flipped him on and got off from the bed.

"Nice try baby." I walked towards the front door but I felt pony's arms around me as he tossed me onto the bed. He was hovering above me and tried to tickle me but I just started to squirm.

"Hey, you maybe want to do that thing again?"  He looked down at me. I batted my eyes at him, "what thing?" I knew exactly what he was talking about, Darry and Soda weren't home and wouldn't be home for a while. I looked at him and just tried to look oblivious. He looked genuinely sad that I didn't know what I was talking about until I got up and started to unbuckle my jeans.

"Oh thank god!"

I giggled and he came up behind me and nibbled on my ear.

"Okay okay take off your clothessss," I turned around and slowly lifted his shirt off rom his chest and saw his abs just staring right back at me.


We were in the shower for about 5 minutes covering each other in soap and almost falling when we heard a knock. I looked up at Pony and he covered my mouth and filled it with soap. I almost gagged but his grip got tighter.

"yes?" He said loud over the sound of the water hitting the floor.

"Is that you Ponyboy?" Darry's voice was heard on the other side of the door.

"Yes! What do you need?"

"Well I was wondering if you knew where Em is, her report card came in."

Pony groaned, "No idea, but I'll let her know you were looking for you."

He uncovered my mouth and looked at me, "Hey Darry was looking for you." I rolled my eyes at him and blew bubbles into his face.


After we were dressed, we heard Johnny and Michelle walk through the front door and we started our date. As we were walking to the drive in we told Michelle about the town and everything Tulsa got's to offer, not that its got much.

"So, how you you know Johnny?" Pony asked.

"Well, we were close friends growing up but after John moved to Tulsa, stopped talking." She said so clearly.

"John eh?" I said elbowing Johnny, "I like it."

We arrived at the drive in and bought our tickets, found some juicy popcorn and some refreshing cherry coke. We decided it would be best to buy two bins of popcorn and two large sodas so that the couples could share. As we sat down I looked at the screen and pinched Pony, "Owh, what was that for?!" 

"I told you Gone in the Wind would be playing!"


We left the driving in, giggling like little school girls. We kept on making jokes bout the movie. I really like Michelle's company, it was nice to have another girl around. When we made it to the dingo, Sylvia was of course working there. I raised my hand and just yelled, 'the usual shakes please!' Michelle was a little confused but we explained it to her in the end. We sat at our usually both and she came walking by with four chocolate milkshakes with four red cherries on top.


"...So that's why Two-bit loves chocolate cake so much," I said giggling with a mouthful of chocolate shake in my mouth. Michelle was laughing so hard she couldn't contain it and spilt some chocolate shake over the table.

"Oh my I'm so sorry." She said still chuckling.

"It's alright doll." Johnny said as he cleaned up the mess. They looked pretty good together and she seems to make Johnny happy, hopefully she's here to stay.

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