trienta y nueve

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1. Diana by One Direction

Ponyboy Curtis

God, I am absolutely in love with Em. I know it may be too soon again but maybe she will be the one. I don't want to jinx myself but I mean hey it could be a possibility. I wanna take the time with her and show her how much I appreciate her.

I mean, her laugh, her smile, even her crooked glasses.

I've decided tonight I'm gonna create a plan for her, to show her how much I appreciate her.


We woke up the next morning and Em was still asleep. I slowly rolled over to the other side and grabbed the closest pen and paper I could find. I wrote a simple letter to her.

I'll be out all day, meet me at the lot at 7 pm :) wear something cute xx

I put the pen and paper down and rested it next to her nightstand and got my day started.

Emme Wilson

I woke up and honestly, I didn't really get a nice sleep. I kept rolling over so often, I probably hurt Pony.

I rolled over and tried nudging him until I felt nothing. With my eyes still closed I whispered, "Pony?"

I finally opened my eyes and realized he wasn't there. I groaned and reached for my glasses but I felt paper instead. I looked for my glasses and grabbed them. I glided them over my nose and looked at the piece of paper.

'll be out all day, meet me at the lot at 7 pm :) wear something cute xx

Oh Ponyboy, I can't tell which one of us is whipped...


After I rolled out of bed I decided to start my day, Soda and Darry were still sleeping so I decided I would make them some bacon and eggs, with a side of toast to be classy. I looked for the ingredients in the fridge. As I found all the ingredients I heard a huge racket outside, someone was revving their engine. I put the ingredients down and walked outside, socs. I rolled my eyes and immediately closed my door.

"Hey pretty lady come back outside!" I heard one of them yell. I kept walking away from the door until I heard their engine stop, I walked back to the door and opened it up.

"Get out of here, this isn't your part of town!" I yelled.

"Ooo fiesty, just the way I like them." One of them got out and started to walk towards the front porch. I walked back insde and closed the door and quickly locked it.

"You can't hide forever!" I heard him yell as he slowly walked away from the door. I slid down against the door and let out a sigh of relief.

I finished making breakfast and left it on the counter with plates. I grabbed the rest of the dishes I used and placed them in the sink.

"BOYS! WAKE UP!" I yelled and heard the doors open up. It was already 1pm and by now everyone should be awake. 

"Whoever is here last has to clean the dishes..." Darry and Soda came rushing out of their rooms, Soda behind Darry.

"Thank you Em," Darry said as he grabbed a plate. Soda was already stuffing his mouth and muttered out a thank you.

I rolled my eyes at Soda and decided it would be a good time to start looking for something 'cute' to wear. 

I walked into Pony and I's room and opened up the closest we shared. The first thing I saw as I opened it was a note tied onto one of my spring dresses.

Wear this baby, with a jacket and shoes of your choice.

I chuckled, this man is wholesome, maybe I'm whipped.

I put the dress on my bed and found a cute pair of beige wedges to wear with them. I found the nicest jean jacket that I got and put it down on my bed too. I smiled to myself and decided it would be a good time to go shower.

I grabbed my towel and headed to the shower.


When I got out it was already 4 pm, which gave me enough time to get dress, put on makeup, and to relax a little bit before hand.

I decided to go light on the makeup, just some mascara and lip gloss mainly. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, I am so lucky to have that boy in my life.

I slide my dress on and squeezed into my wedges. I haven't worn them since the last prom so I'm glad they still fit.


It was about 6:50 pm and I decided it would be a good time to walk over to the lot and meet up with Ponyboy. I opened the front door and walked down the broken steps and  I could see the lights from the lot, but it was extra bright than usual. 

I kept walking and I could see Ponyboy standing there, with some slacks and a button-up. As I got closer and closer, he looked more and more handsome. His hair was slicked back just the way I like it. He looked fresh. I smiled a little bit and as I got closer and closer to him I just wanted to have this repeat in my mind.

I smiled at him when I got closer to him and he came to me and gave me the fattest kiss ever. He grabbed me by the hips and dipped me slowly. That kiss was long needed and felt like we were longing for much more.

"Well hello to you too." I giggled.

Ponyboy Curtis

She looked beautiful. Her hair was flowing and she was wearing the dress that looks beautiful on her, always. I motioned for her to take a seat at the little table I made at the lot. I scooted her in and poured her a glass of Darry's wine.

"Don't tell him but I stole this," I said chuckling.

Emme smiled and took a quick sip. Before I sat down I grabbed out plates that already had food on it.

"Oh my gosh Ponyboy, you are too much for me." She smiled in awe as she saw me bring the food out with some vegetables and steak.

"Hey, anything for my baby girl."


About thirty minutes passed and we were already stuffed but I knew she was having a good time. We talked about school, Gabe and Johnny, our room, school, everything. It was going smoothly.

"Em, I know I've said this so much but I really truly love you and I just wanted to take the time to show you it," I said grabbing her hand and squeezing it tight.

She smiled at me, "I love you too Ponyboy Curtis, you got me screwed."

Screwed // ponyboy curtisWhere stories live. Discover now