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Sound track

1. I'm a flirt by R. Kelly (Kev Remix)

Emme Wilson

I woke, I felt a pair of arms around me. I turned around and scooted closer. I guess I fell asleep with Pony. I wonder where Soda slept. I open my eyes and I see more of a darker green pair of eyes. Basically brown, not green.

"Hey there Em." Soda said with a chuckle.

His arms were around me, "I'm going to bed." I said. He pulled me closer, "Why does your hair smell so good." I laughed, "Soda don't you have work?"

I felt him stop breathing for a moment. He got up and crawled over me quickly.

"Ow Soda!" I said.

"Sorry Em, gotta go by!" He slammed the door. I groaned and rolled back over.

I heard footsteps disappear and then grow loud. "I love you too Emme." Soda popped his head in before I could throw a pillow at him, "Love you too.." I groaned.

I turned over and put a pillow over my head. I just wanna sleep. My body is sore and my knuckles hurt so bad. My wrists were being smushed from Soda's grip from earlier. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said.

Pone walked in with the cutest smile on his face, such a dork. He was carrying a tray.

"Morning Em." He said. "Good morning? Is It still morning?" I said closing my eyes.

"Yeah, here you go." He said. I opened my eyes and he handed me a tray. It had some oranges and eggs on a plate with a water. I looked up at him, I set down the tray and pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you." I said, I felt a tear coming.

"Wait, why are you crying?" He asked.

'I don't know, I just really love eggs." I said onto his shoulder.

I heard the door open, "Uh should I leave?" Darry asked.

I sniffled, "No, your fine." I said and he closed the door. Pony and I sat down together sharing eggs and eating oranges.

"Wait." He said, "Close your eyes." I followed his word. "Open them." I opened them and spit out my water.

"Oh my lord Ponyboy Michael Curtis!" I said laughing.He had the orange in his mouth and he was smiling.

"You look cute like that." I said. I leaned toward him about to kiss him but pulled back, "I don't want to kiss a guy who has lips for oranges." I got up and walked out. I looked back at him. He was smiling at me with his eyes closed. I couldn't help but say aw. (OMG I CAN IMAGINE THIS ITS SO CUTE) I walked over and kissed his cheek. I know we were talking this slow and starting over but I couldn't help myself.


I walked back to my house and decided to just read books and finish my homework, we just started the year and I don't want my grade to drop any lower. I pulled out my history book and started to read.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said.

It was my parents. "Hey Emme." They said. They walked in and sat down on my bed. "I'm so sorry for you to have to deal with us all the time with our stupid arguments, but we've decided to make a change." My mother said.

"Oh thank god, you guys are dropping everything! This is great!." I said smiling and hugging them.

"Well sweetie it isn't exactly that. We divorcing." My dad said.

I was shocked, divorce? "What." I said and back away. "You guys couldn't keep try-?" I said but stopped myself, "Actually I'm glad, you guys argue all day and this is a good thing." I said pushing my own needs aside and thinking about my parents.

"You're okay with this?" My ma said. "I mean I didn't ask for it, but its probably best." I replied.

wait, what about Pony and school, and friends. "Wait are we moving?" I asked.

"Well, I'm staying here, and your mother is moving back up north." My Dad said. Oh thank god. Wait.

"Mom is leaving, when will I ever see her?!" I asked.

"Whenever you'd like but she Is also moving for her job so she will busy, like she always is." My dad said sending a look to my mom.

"Well at least I have a job." My mom replied back.

"OOO!"I said. They looked at me and was confused, "Sorry."


I walked outta my house and decided to go to the Curtis. I knocked on the door and realized I could just of walked inside. I looked around and didn't see anyone. "Hello?"

I heard nothing. I walked around and went towards the fridge. I opened it up and grabbed some cake. I also saw some milk and grabbed some of that. I went towards the couch and sat down and turned on the tv. Nothing good as always. But yet I was bored. I wonder where everyone was. I knew Johnny was probably at the lot and Two-bit I'm guessing his house. Maybe Dally is at Buck's but the Curtises? I would guess they are working but Soda gets off around this time and so does Darry. And finally where is Ponyboy? Its the weekend, we are off of school. I grabbed a fork and started to dig away at the cake. It was the best.

Sodapop Curtis

"Aw isn't she the cutest?"I said. We walked inside the house after going shopping for the fridge. We walked in with Em sleeping on the couch with chocolate on the desk with a glass of something.

"Wonder what happen here?" Darry said.

"Soda look she's chocolate wasted." Pony said, making me laugh.

"Hey that's no way to say that about your girl. "I said laughing.

"She isn't m girl...yet." He said with a wink. "Oh Pone."

He walked over to her and she quickly got up and grabbed the cake for the table and put it in his face. He was surely taken back and fall backwards on the table. Em immediately got up and grabbed the rest of the cake and ran out. On the way on she grabbed my and called my name. I turned around and she tripped me and pushed the cake into my face. She did a little giggle and started to run.

Ponyboy got up from the table scrambling and ran out the door, slipping on the carpet. I on the other hand, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the spare cake Darry made. I ran outside and saw Pony chasing her around the lot. I followed them and watched them, they were both in track so it'll take a while.

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