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hey if yall are into starwars check out my new sequel ;P hehe and ALSO THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR 12K reads OMGGGGGGGG!!!! love u guys <3


1. Can we go back to bed by Bazzi

Emme Wilson

I wanted to be left alone. I didn't need Dallas to barge in and make things worse but oh well. My day has been ruined, and my life. it's okay I think. I think I can make it through this...

Ponyboy Curtis

Damn, that was... damn. I can't believe the emotion Em is feeling right now. Her dad just left her like that. He dropped everything, including her, and just left and created a new life for himself, leaving his precious daughter behind. Emme doesn't deserve this, she deserves so much more. i wanted to hold her hand and let her know that everything was going to be okay, no matter what, she had me, Darry, Sodapop, and the rest of the gang. I saw her run inside and I quickly let out a sigh. I grabbed all of her boxes and started to walk up the stairs when I was pushed to the side. I let out a groan and almost dropped the boxes.

"Watch it!" I said as I tried to rebalance the boxes. I couldn't see who it was but man I almost dropped all of those boxes.

"GET OUT!" I could hear Em yelling. I quickly ran inside and dropped the boxes on the couch. I saw Dally standing in front of my room as the door was quickly slammed onto his face. I felt the rage inside me boil. I wanted to let all my anger onto Dally after what he did to her. He has no excuse.

"Dal what the hell are you doing here?" I yelled at him, almost reaching for my blade. I could feel my skin getting hot. I wanted to pounce on him.

"Hold on there Ponyboy what are you doing?!" Darry came over to stop me from reaching for my blade. I moved my hand away from my blade and put them on my waist.

"He showed up to the prom a drunk, in front of Em, in front of the whole school," I said giving him a disappointing look. Dallas scoffed the second I said that. I rolled my eyes, "Dallas you know this is true, you can't deny it and if you do you are a coward!" I said leaning towards him.

Darry and Sodapop were shocked, I could see it on their faces. "is this true Dally?" Sodapop asked.

Dallas looked guilty. I could feel the guilt radiating off of him. He looked down at his boots and kind of kicked the floor.

"Yeah it was true man, I had things going on-" Dallas said before I cut him off.

"That doesn't mean you get to treat Emme that wAY!" I exclaimed. I could feel Soda and Darry's stare on me. They probably thought I was acting insane, they probably don't believe me but oh well. I'm doing what's right.

Dallas genuinely looked sad but oh well, he deserved it.

Darry and Sodapop looked at each other. I could hear them talking and discussing something while I gave Dal a dead glare across the couch. I could start to hear Soda and Darry raise their voices, they were arguing about something now. I looked down at my hands and just thought about all the possible things I could do to Dally. He hurt Em and I want to hurt him. She doesn't deserve this, after everything. She deserves a good life, someone that could treat her right, like me.

My thought was broken when Darry and Sodapop came into the living room. The look on their faces showed trouble.

"Dallas, we think you should stop coming by here for a bit until Emme is ready and settled in," Darry said. I could tell this was very hard for him to say, he was struggling a bit.

I was happy to hear this, but I was also sad. Dallas was apart of the gang but he treated one of his own poorly. He stood up and nodded his head and then stormed out of the house.

I decided it would be best if I went to go check on Em, she had locked herself in Soda and I's room for a while. Before I headed in there Soda stopped me.

"Hey Pone I think I'll sleep on the couch or with Darry. Emme needs her space and I know you two are basically two peas in a pod so go comfort her pal." Soda said with a chuckle.

I walked towards the room and knocked on the door. No response.

I slowly opened the door and saw Emme sprawled out on the bed, she looked broken and torn down. I got inside and closed the door behind me. I walked over towards the bed and sat with her. I grabbed a blanket and covered her body with it. I could hear her restless breathes, she was breathing peacefully even though her world was falling apart.

I was about to get up and head back in the living room until she woke up and I felt her hand on mine.

"Please don't leave." She asked while looking at me. I looked at her and I knew I couldn't deny her. I motioned for her to scoot over and I lied across the bed with her. I grabbed the blanket and tried to cover both of us. I wrapped my arm around her and gave her a little peck on her forehead. She wrapped her legs around mine and rested her head on my chest.

"Pony I love you but I also don't want to be in a relationship. I don't think I could handle another heartbreak. My heart has been torn out of me countless times and it feels like every stitch is slowly coming undone and one day I'm gonna lose it." She said this as she snuggled deeper into the blanket.

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