trienta y uno

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So sorry for such a long update, I hope everyone is doing great :)


1. I think we should stay in love by Jesse

Emme Wilson

We left school and summer officially started, shit we are seniors. We have the whole life ahead of us. We got the next 2 to 3 months to figure out our relationships and our futures. It was scary. I didn't know whether are not to be happy or to be sad. I know I have been through so much and so has everyone else, it's kind of scary.

It was shocking, it almost didn't feel surreal.

Soda couldn't pick us up so we decided to just head over to the dingo. I took in the scenery for once in my life. I could smell the fresh plants and feeling the heat on my body caused me to radiate. I felt as heavy as a box of feathers.

Gabe, Johnny, pony, and I walked over and it felt like everything was just right. There was no socs insight and Oklahoma was just a right.


When we arrived at the dingo it was really packed. It's kinda a Tusla high tradition to head there. after finals and midterms. Since we knew Sylvia she allowed us to get the best table in the house.

We were seated and we got some rootbeers and some nuts to start us off. Gabe and Pony started to throw the nuts at each other and I literally felt like I was their caretaker.

"Guys stop, we are seniors! Act like it!" I said kicking Gabe's shin and slapping Pony's head.

They just groaned and rolled their eyes and continue with their business.

Sylvia came back to get our orders, "What do y'all want to-day?"

"Uh, I will get the Dingo Burger, with cheese" I smiled.

"I want the double Dingo Burger!" Gabe cried out.

"Uh I think a salad is good for me," Johnny whispered out.

"And I'll get whatever this lady wants me to get." Pony winked at me.

I started to blush, as I was gonna answer someone cut me off.

"Then he'll be getting the Dingo Burger, without cheese."

I recognized that snarky voice anywhere, Dal.

Dallas walked up to our table and swung his arm over Sylvia. She rolled her eyes and shook his arm off of him.

"I'm gonna go ahead and put this in for the cook." Sylvia walked away and left Dallas with us.

I haven't really talked with him since the night everything happened. Dally tried to sit with us but Pony wouldn't let him.

"Come on Pone, scoot over." Pony shook his head. "How do you know what Em wanted for me?" He asked.

"That's because that's what she always ordered for me," Dallas said trying to sneak in a smile.

Dallas lost focus and found my eyes again. "Look Em, I am really sorry for what I did, I lashed out and I should have never done this. I'm disappointed in myself and I want to repay you. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I hope that you can forgive me I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I hope that you can forgive me sometime. I will always try to be there for you and just so that you know, I care for you, and I would never want to hurt you."

"But Dallas you did hurt me." I cut him off short. "You knew what I was going through and ended my junior year like this, my junior prom. My whole life has been a mess and you made it worse, I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this." I said pushing pone out of the booth. D

Dallas tried chasing after me but I quickly ran into the restroom and locked myself in there. I sensed everyone's eyes on me and I knew this was gonna be talked about around town. I could feel the tears start to come and the mascara get smudgy. Why can't m life be less embarrassing and dramatic?

I slid down against the door and just started to weep, I could hear them talking from outside.

"Look Dallas, I think it's best you leave Em alone for a while, she needs a break and I hope you can understand that buddy." Pony said.

There was silence and then I heard a couple of foot steps.


It was Ponyboy.

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