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As y'all read this, Im no police officer and or someone who knows how to sentence someone... just an fyi <3

1. last to know by three days grace

Emme Wilson

"Hey have whatever you want!" The shakiness of his voice sent chills down my spine.

"On your knees." I command as I inched closer. I saw him on his knees, I quickly lifted my leg up and kicked his back, he fell to the ground and turned around with fear.

"What?" He saw me. "Do I not look familiar?" I asked him. He shook his head, I moved closer and pushed my glasses up, twisting my head in the process.

"Hey Nick." I said with deceiving eyes.

"I'm Daniel." I spit at his face and pushed him.

"Don't play bullshit with me Nick." I pulled my hand outta my pocket and reveal a blade.

His stomach dropped, "Oh please no." I dropped it on the ground and he was shOOk. "Look at it."

As soon as he grabbed it, the memories flew.

"Emm-e?" He said as he gulped down.

"That's right." I said as I opened my blade and took Dan's from his secure hands. I pushed my blade against his throat. He inched further and further away from me.

"Don't play coy with me." I said, poking his neck a little harder. "Don't think that I just forgot everything and that I wouldn't try finding you. I actually didn't, you found me and I'm blessed you did. Nice name too, but I miss the hair? Don't you?" I slashed about 2 inches from neck to ear. He quickly got held of it and got up.

"Your not going anywhere." I reply by throwing my blade at him and it landed on his right calf. He quickly fell (lmao he at shittt) and turned around. I got on top of him. I slammed my blade on his thigh. "I mean could you blame me! YOU LEFT HIM! IN THE GROUNd!" I punched him with everyword. "ASS!" "HOLE!" I yelled and tears were blinding me. He quickly flipped me over and landed me on my back and now he was towering me. His blood from his neck dripping onto my glasses. I smeared them and felt my fingers get dry and crusty. The taste of metal in my mouth.

He grabbed my wrists and pinned me down, "Em, you and Pone are really cute, finally took him the guts to ask you out."

Nick grabbed my blade, he started to push it into my left wrist. It was half way through until I left my head up and bumped foreheads together. From my own actions I was able to get the blade in my wrist to fall deeper and go farther down to my elbow.

"Ah!" I yelled in agony as I ripped it out and saw the blood scream out. I quickly got on top of him and slammed it down on his side. "Your mine." I say as I push it deeper in him. "But don't think that I'm letting you off that easily."

What is happening to me, my crazy psychotic self is coming out. Before I could go any further I got a headache feeling on the lower part of my neck and blacked out.


I woke up. Atleast I think I did, my right arm was feeling cold and hard, while my left was safe and wrapped. I jolt up and realize I'm in a hospital. I lean my head back realizing I'm chained. I close my eyes tight. Tears are tearing down.

"Good evening Ms. Wilson, or I should say morning, as it is 1 am." A doctor walks in.

"You've suffered serious nerve damage to your left arm and we will fix it in a couple hours with surgery, as well your neck is placed in a brace. We can blame the police for that." He says as he walks aside.

"As for you, your being detained until the judge decides." Wait what, no under arrested?

"Wait why?"

"Well, we've been looking for Nick for such a long time and you were able to find him, but also in the process able to injure him. He has been reported to be in multiple robberies at Buck's and as well as local markets. Also your a minor, and while this is a serious crime, you did indeed harm a criminal and help u locate him. We've been renewed with your past history with him."

Another cop comes in rushing, "You're under arrest for approximately 10 months."

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