cuarenta y tres

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1. Days by No Vacation

Emme Wilson

Monday morning started and Pone and I knew that meant school. We wanted to take the day off but we knew we couldn't.

If we wanted to go to a good school we had to have some good attendance and as well as some good grades, which requires us to actually go to school.

It was around mid-march and honestly, spring is so beautiful but sometimes we get cloudy days which suck ass.

Pone and I decided we would walk to school, felt right. As we walked out the front door, Pone reached into his back pocket and pulled out two cigarettes.

"Ahh, that's why you wanted to walk today." I looked over at him and grabbed the cigarette from his fingers with my mouth. I held it there for a second and looked over at him so he could light it. 

I took a quick puff and let the smoke come out of the nose.

It only took a couple of minutes to get to school and once we were there we quickly disposed of our cigarettes in the nearest trashcan. I looked at Pony and gave him a quick kiss as we headed to the first period. 

I saw Gabe waiting by the door of the English classroom for me. I gave him a quick smile and a 'hey' and we walked inside to class. English was immensely boring, all we discussed today was moral ethics and how it relates to the stupid book. I will absolutely never understand English teachers and their obsession with books that don't even have correct English.

I looked over at Gabe and rolled my eyes, he chuckled a bit.

All I was waiting for was lunch to see everyone.


I walked out of second period and towards the dining hall when Johnny walked up to me with Michelle. 

"Hey, guys! You likin' the school yet Michelle? I know it's probably a little different than your other school but it's alright." I gave her a quick smile and she nodded.

"I actually love it, I like the way the classes are formated."

We continued walking until we met up with Pony and Gabe. We sat down, discussed our days and started to talk about prom already.

"We should definitely pre-game." Johnny says, I giggle.

"I would love to but I also want to remember prom, so how about we pre-game and prom." I say.

"The whole point of pre-game is to do it before an event Em." Gabe looks at me. I rolled my eyes and said, "I know but it'll be more fun."

We all kept discussing what we should do until the bell rang.

We headed off to third period which then became our free period and Pony and I walked home. He pulled out two more cigarettes and we walked blissfully. Once we reached our street we decided to sit on the front steps. I looked over at Pony and rested my head onto his shoulder. He kissed my temple and rested his hand on top of mine, with his cigarette still in between his index and middle finger.

"Hey I have an idea," I looked at Pony with a sound of excitement in my voice.

"We've haven't really hung out with the gang in while so what if we all hang out tomorrow and watch some shows? I can make us dinner and some chocolate cake as well." I smiled moving away from his shoulder and looking up to his eyes.

"That sounds like a great idea baby."

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