trienta y cinco

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1. 1980 Horror Film by Wallows

Emme Wilson

So, cooking, never a good idea. Pony was getting excited and trust me I love to cook but Pony isn't a great cook. There was this one time when we were kids and Pone wanted to make cookies. They turned out to be these salty gram crackers, Pony added salt instead of sugar.

"Come on Em, let's make some pancakes." Pony said as he grabbed my arm and pushed me into the kitchen. 

"Okay, okay, but I wanna flip them, you can make the batter," I said grabbing bowls from underneath the cabinets.

Ponyboy literally looked like a 12-year-old boy again, eager to try new things and cook. He had the biggest grin on his face and honestly I couldn't resist it. I started to grab spoons and whisks for the batter.

"You want chocolate chips?" I asked him. 

"What type of question is that of course I do!" Pony exclaimed from the other side of the room. I started to look for the chocolate cookies in the cabinet and then I saw Pony and Darry doing some pull-ups on the door hallway. It was quite entertaining to see Dar do it effortlessly and then Pony try to challenge him even more. I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle. 

"Alright Pony, I got everything out, now it's your turn to make it."

Pony rushed over to me and gave me a quick smile and then he went to business. I sat down, watching him put on this little cute apron that did not fit him, but yet it extenuates his muscles even more than usual. I looked at every little crevice and realized how defined his muscles were. Now, I'm not one to care for looks but I mean they help. I started to stare more and more and I realized I had started to drool.

"Em, stop drooling," Soda said as he popped into the room. I quickly slurped up the saliva and then coughed real quick, "What?"

Pony chuckled and continued to make the batter, he knew what he was doing and I'm not even complaining.


"Hey Em, come on over and check the batter for me please," Pony signaled me over and I walked towards him.

I looked over his shoulder and he moved to the side so that I could see better, "Honestly, Pone it looks goo-" I was cut off quickly by a slap of wet batter to my lips.

I closed my eyes and tried to back away but it was too late, Pony literally sprayed me with pancake batter.

"Oh my god Pony," I rolled my eyes and moved my hands to my lips and wiped it off. I looked at my hands and looked backed at him. I gave him such a sly look and then quickly smudged it all over his cheeks. 

He was taken back by it and wiped it off his face, which only smeared it more.

"Oh, two can play that game," Pony quickly grabbed the whole batter and started to walk towards me. I ran outside the kitchen and into the living room. We were running back and forward in the living room, turning around tight corners and pushing furniture around. I decided it would be smart for me to run outside and go around the lot a couple of laps until Pony gets tired. I rushed outside the door and went across the street to the lot. I saw pony rushing behind me with the batter in his hand. 

"You can't run forever Em," He said as he made his way towards me.

I turned around and started to run in juking motions. I started to juke Pony a bit more but then I remembered he's in track. 

He quickly charged at me and I was stuck. I felt a huge pair of arms around my waist as I fell to the ground and landed on the grass behind me. My head slammed down onto the ground but Pony lifted my head up after it happened.

"Omg Em are you okay, I'm so sorry I'm dumb." He started to panic.

I tried to reassure him, "Pony I'm okay, trust me I'm okay." I started to laugh and slowly rise up. He lied down next to me and we looked up at the clouds. I Know it sounds immensely cheesy but it just felt like the right thing to do.

We lied like that for a while until we didn't realize it was past sunset. We both slowly rose up and started to walk back towards the house. We were walking pretty far apart until I got close to him and pushed him to mess around. He chuckled a little bit and then pushed my back. I snuggled my arm into his and then realized what I had did. I removed my arm from him and let it rest. As we walked we got closer and closer together. Our hands were grazing each other lightly. I could feel his fingertips slowly tapping mine. I let out a deep breath. 

"Em, I'm sorry." He moved his hand away from mine. I looked up at him and grabbed his right hand with my left and squeezed it hard. I held onto to it the whole we walked home.

When we got home we decided it would be best to clean up the mess before Darry gets home and kills us. We started to clean and wash the dishes and then Pony came behind me as I was washing the dishes. He tapped my shoulder and I turned around. I could see the lust in his eyes. I looked down and he looked down as well.

He looked back up at me and reached up to my chin. He slowly grabbed it and lifted it up. My eyes made contact with those deep brown ones and I lost it. I leaned into him and put my lips right on top of his.  We melted. I sneaked my hand up to his cheek and he sneaked his around my waist. He pushed me against the sink softly and he grabbed my thighs. He pushed me up to the sink and had me sit there as he pulled me closer to him. I leaned away to take a quick breath and to look at him in astonishment. 

"Pony, I want this but let's take things slow."

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