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1. Dangerous by Left Boy


also this is short...sorry

Ponyboy Curtis

She next wrapped my hands up, "Thank you.." She smiled and then grabbed a bandaid for my nose, it was just oozing. I sucked in and clicked my teeth "Ow." I said. She started to laugh, "Your such a baby Pone." She kisses my nose, "All better?" "Oh way better now." I said with a smirk,

"Alright want me to explain myself?" I asked her.

"Yes please."

"Well, like I said I didn't mean to stand you up I left early around 6:20, and I could still see you getting ready. Not in a weird way. I walked to the fence and climbed under. I then went to the concession stand got us two cokes and popcorn with red vines as I knew they're your favorite. As I was walking to receipts, I ran into Randy and I spilled soda all over me and him. And that soon resulted into a fight. After that I went looking for you and then I see you with Dally. I was infuriated, and I decided to walk home since I thought you left me. Then when we decided to do this again it happened again. This meant so much to me, you have no idea. It took so long to have to ask you out. I even asked Soda if I can borrow his best cologne..." I said kinda whispering the last part. I scratched the back of my head.

"I never meant to hurt you Em and I'm so sorry I just didn't know what to do and I guess I resulted in treating you horrible ways, I'm sorry. So SO So SoRRy, Em I'm so stupid and such a fool. God I can understand why you hate me and never want to see me ever Aga-!" I didn't get to finish my thought because she kissed me. She pushed me back onto the bed and cradle me while she was on top of me. I could tell she wanted this and has been craving it. We broke away, trying to regain our breath.

"Em.." I said to her as our foreheads touched.

"All right my turn." She said.

"I left my house around 630 and arrived at the fence at 650. I waited at seven and I thought you would show up around that time and then you never did. It's a hit 710 and I got fed up, I crawled underneath the fence and walked to the chairs. I still wanted to enjoy the movie even without you. Even though I wanted you there, I felt stupid to be alone. Everyone was there together and in love. And that was when Dally sat behind me and scared the crap out of me. He asked if he could sit with me and I said sure, we ended up talking the rest of the night. And that's when we walked home and I saw you, all red and in pain. My heart had dropped, for the fact that I was never with you and to know what had happened." She said.

"I guess it's kinda both of our faults.."She spoke out.

"Yeah, and we are blind to see that." I replied.

It was quiet for a while until I broke the silence and hugged her. I missed her so badly, I missed hugging her. We would see each other and talk every hour. After that had happen we both spiraled into depression, it wasn't the same. This hug I knew was fixing us.

She hugged me back and brought me closer. I put my head in the crook of her neck.

I felt a couple wet drops on my cheeks. I started to cry. We pulled away and she was turned away.

"Emme?" I asked, sniffling.

"Yeah." She turned around with her mascara smearing.

"Ohh Im sorry." I said.

"I'm sorry too." She said.

"I can't believe we are crying." She said right after.

"Even I am..." We heard someone from behind us say.

"SODA!" I yell. "WHYYYY!!" I quickly got up and ran towards him, he didn't run away but he ran towards me and grabbed me.

"Aw finally y'all Made up. When will y'all go out again?!" He asked us.

"Honestly I wanna take this even slower Soda." I said. I looked over to Emme. "And I think she can agree."

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