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Sound track

1. 3:15 by Bazzi

2. The Great escape by Boys like girls

Emme Wilson

I heard a loud knock on my door,

"Coming!" I said lying in bed still. The door was opened up and a bright ray of sunshine glowed on my face.

"Come on doll face! I'm taking you to school." Dally said as he walked into my room and remove my covers. A gush of wind spread onto my legs and I could feel the goosebumps rise.

" What do you mean you're taking me to school, I thought your car was in the shop?" I asked dally and he had the biggest grin on his face dally.

"well, Susie got fixed right on up and now I can take you to school!" Dally said

I wasn't moving, I wanted to stay inside, ditch school, but soon I was lifted off my bed.

"Dal what are you doing?" I questioned him as he opened my bathroom door.

"Well you aren't budging so come on and shower." He turned on the shower and grabbed me and put me in the shower.

"DALLY!" I was still dressed and now my pjs were soaked, and not to mention I was wearing a white shirt...and no bra.

I looked down and covered my chest and I quickly turned red and looked up, Dally was looking directly at my chest and as I stared at him he quickly turned around as he walked out of the bathroom chuckling, "Nice rack!" He yelled. I quickly threw the shampoo bottle at him,

"Close the door!!"


Dally dropped me off and I met up with Pony, Johnny, and Gabe.

"Hey guys!" I said as I interlocked arms with Gabe.

"Oh my god Em, wait till I tell you this."

"What Gabe?"

"I joined the prom committee!!" Gabe yelled as he threw his arms up into the air.

"Oh yay that's great news Gabe, I'm not one to be excited and all girly but YAY!" I said with joy as I hugged him.

"Oh Em, you should join too, you can help pick the theme and decorate, it'll be fun."

"Yeah Em join!" Johnny implied.

"I mean what harm will it do, sign me up!"


I've been stuck in the gym for the past three hours after school with Gabe and it was literal hell.

All we did was just pick the theme, which is the beach and underwater, whatever. We lived in Oklahoma, there's no ocean for miles. The balloons were blue and green. We placed streamers of beige and white. My mouth was so sore from blowing balloons, I probably blowed 1000 balloons.

"Okay I'm out of breath." I exhaled to Gabe, "What's up with James?"

Gabe created this smile on his face as soon as I said his name, "Well I think he knows I like him. yesterday after I walked you home I saw him in my neighborhood. We hung out for a while and then we started talking about prom."

"Oh yay Gabe that's great news!"

Gabe smiled and got up, "Well, we've basically set up the whole entire prom, now we just gotta remember to spike the punch, what do you wanna do, Rum or vodka?"

I giggled, "Im thinking more Whiskey."

"Oo feisty, I like that." Gabe smiled and walked out of the gym doors.

Dally was supposed to picking me up today, I was waiting for him by the gym entrance. I never saw his blue caddy, susie, show up.

It wasn't until I saw the Curtis truck, with Ponyboy driving it?!

"Uh, Pony? What are you doing driving, you don't even have your license?!" I said laughing, he totally butchered his parking job but oh well.

"Well Dal asked me to pick you up today, he's at the diner working."

That was strange but alright, guess im hitching a ride with Pone. I hopped in and it was silent at first besides a few 'watch out!' and 'slow down'!.

"Well, are you excited for prom?" I asked Pone.

"Well I guess, I dont have a date but I think Johnny and I are gonna go together."

"Oh that's cute Pone, I dont have a date either but it'll be okay we have each other." There was a slight pause after this and I blurted this out, "I miss this."

"What?" I looked over to Ponyboy and he got red, "I miss hanging out with you, are we still friends?"

He tried looking over to me but I could tell he was trying to focus on driving.

"Em, I miss you too." He said with a swallow.

"Are you okay Pone?" I rested my hand on his lap, he immediately slammed on the brake.

"Pony oh my god what's wrong?" He let out a sigh, he turned towards me and looked down.

"Pony what's wrong, was it something I said, Im so sorry." I just kept blabbing until he stopped me with a quick peck on the lips.

I quickly pulled away, "Pone?"

He looked down, "I made a mistake Emme, I don't know why I left you."

I looked down too, to nervous to say anything, "Pony, I missed you at that time and right now my feelings are complicated. Dally was there for me when you weren't. I was struggling and you left me. I understand that we have our differences but I think its best if we stay this way for now. Maybe things will change but I don't know."

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "You're still my best bud Pone, I just need some adjusting again. Thanks for the ride." I said as I hopped off the truck.

Ponyboy Curtis

I missed her lips, I saw her hop off the truck with such grace. I wanted to grab her arm and pull her back into the car and have a quick make out session, but I guess that won't be happening. I messed up and I gotta get over her.

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