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I'm so sorry I haven't updated, and omg 400 reads!!! guys I love you so much.


1.Night Trouble by Petit Biscuit

really recommend listening to the song

Emme Wilson

I woke up in the middle of the night, I was drenched in sweat and my palms were sweaty. I look at my surroundings and saw I was lying on the couch. I got up and opened the fridge to go get some milk. God they just keep coming back overtime. I thought they would've stopped but I guess they've followed me, maybe that's what affected my parents divorce, the death?

"Em?" I turned around and saw Pony. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake anyone." I said.

"You didn't wake me, Soda kept pushing me." He said chuckling and touching his neck. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I said walking back to the couch. "Em are you sure? You can tell me anything." Pone said.

"I'm getting memories again, nightmares to be exact." I said resting my head on my arms.

"Em? About you brother?" Pony said.


1 Year Ago - Dan Wilson

"Hey mom, I'll be out for a bit, some friends and I are heading to the dingo!" I yelled from Emme and I's room.

"Alright by back by sun down." My mom said. I walked toward the front door. I saw Emme and Ponyboy walking together. "Oh my god Pony why don't you ask her out yet?" I yelled at them getting a glare from Em. She wouldn't stop obsessing over him.

"Dan where are you even going, the gang and I were going to the nightly double." Emme said.

"Nick and I are heading to the Dingo, I'll catch up later." I replied and kept walking.


"Hey Nick!" I said as I saw him in the corner playing pool. I walked over to him and looked at the counter, "Two Cokes!" I yelled. I saw that he was playing alone. "Lone wolf I see." I smirked and grabbed a stick and played a match with him.

Time pasted and we finished 6 cokes each and we were pretty tired even with so much caffeine.

"Hey wanna head over to the nightly double?" I asked him. "Sure man, I'm down. Is it with the gang?" He asked me.

We walked out the doors, "yeah, Em and Pony told me."

"God when are they gunna date, there so cute." Nick said as we walked on the sidewalk. We passed the lot and could see the mustangs line up and enter the theater. We kept walking but in the other way for the fence. I could see the fence when I heard the roar of the engine behind me. I turned around and saw Randy's car. "Oh great. You got a blade Dan?" Nick asked me.

"Always." I pulled it out, it was black with a hint of gold, My dad got me and Em blades when we were younger.

"Hey there greasers!" I heard Bob yell from the backseat, They were obviously drunk, you could tell from a mile away. Just by their driving. Nick walked up , "Look why don't we all go enjoy the movie and we will go our ways."

"Ha, funny you would say that, Nick, or wait should I say buddy. Marcia told me what you did." Randy said.

I looked over at Nick, "Nick?" I said. I could see the guilt in his eyes, he messed up. "Nick what did you do?"

"Oh he didn't tell you?" Randy said. "He was with my girl over summer break when I was away."

"Aren't you mad with Marcia too?" I asked. "Oh yeah, I dealt with her, now it's you, buddy." Rand said as he pulled out his blade.

"Nick, what the hell man, why didn't you tell me? who are you?" I asked him. He looked me in the eyes before looking back at the socs. Don't bail on me now. I looked at the fence and then at the socs, we could hop over it. "Nick." I said. No responses, he bailed on me.

"Well, you can take the pain for your good old pal can't you?" Bob laughed as he walked closer. I made a run for it, I dashed towards the fence and quickly started to climb up it but they caught my leg and dropped me on the ground. Trust me I'm strong but when you have three guys pinning you, it's hard.

I heard a click and closed my eyes, I could tell what was coming. "Let's help this greaser out!" They gave me slashes on my arms and legs. I could feel the liquid pouring. I tried to scramble away but they pinned me.

(May be a little gruesome)

I tried screaming for Em, but I didn't have the voice, and I sure as hell didn't want to danger her.

I was able to kick them off for a second and started to run but that's when I couldn't feel my legs. I stayed up as long as I could until I fell to the ground and landed on my elbows.

"Ah!" I fell and turned around to see them running at me. I kicked them and clawed away and then they grabbed me. I had a free hand and pulled out my blade and quickly made a lash at someone's arm and another's collarbone. It was close to their throat.

"Oh I see what your doing." Randy said. He aimed his switch blade right at my head and one of his friend's pushed him. He dropped the blade and it landed directly onto my eye. It was stuck there.

"Fuck!" I yelled in agony. I couldn't close my eye shut. I yelled there and stayed there in pain. Randy started to laugh. Man what is wrong with them. I pushed the off and started to hop towards our neighborhood. I had my blade in pocket but it wasn't until they drove up with their mustangs and picked me up. I grabbed my blade and spun it towards them, my grip was so weak but so strong I got one of their buddies right on their upper chest. I didn't mean for that to happen, I meant to slash them. He fell backwards and I was pushed backwards. I gave up, I started to yell.

"Emme!! SOda! PonY! " They kicked me in the groin.

"DallY!" I yelled they were able to shut me up. They kept hitting punches at me and I could see Randy with the blade. He slashed my gut from left to right and stabs me right then and there. I was out of breath, I couldn't feel anything. My vision was gone and I could tell I was losing control to my body. I started to cough up blood and that's when I heard yells of her.

"DAN!" I heard her yell. She came running and I could tell she was next to me holding me.

"Em," I started to cough more I couldn't control it. "I love-e you, know-w that ple-ease."

"I love you too Dan, but your not le-eaving." She was sobbing I could tell by her breathing. My sight officially faded and the last thing I heard where her sobs.

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