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1. She needs him by Her's

Emme Wilson

I woke up sore, my wrists were killing me. I look over to my left and saw a light figure, but I couldn't figure out who. I rubbed my eyes a bit and tried to look for my glasses. Once I found them I put them on. I blinked a bit and realized it was Pony, specifically Pony's ass, which I may say was pretty nice.

"Nice butt Pone." I said giggling.

He turned around and I quickly covered my eyes.

"PONY!" He didn't realize why I closed my eyes and then he turned a bright shade of pink.

I closed my eyes and rolled over in the bed and everything was sticky. I open my eyes again. Blood was everywhere. The memories from last night filled my head. The feeling of Dally's eyes on me and his hands grabbing my wrists, or the smell of his whiskey filled breath. I tried to shake the thought of it off me but I couldn't. I could feel my heart rate racing.

"Hey-y uh Pony can I take a shower please." I said, feeling the tears brim the corners of my eyes. I started to stutter and I could feel my throat start to close off.

"Yeah, of course, let me know if you need anything else." He said smiling. He went back to minding his own business.

I got up and walked to the bathroom and quickly torn off my dress. It landed on the ground and it was basically soaked in blood. My body had blood-stained marks and the blood wasn't coming off from my hands. I turned the shower on and hopped in. I looked down below and I could see the blood come off my body and enter the drain. It looked like I was in a blood bath.

After I got out of the shower, I met with everyone downstairs. Only Soda and Darry were out. It was a strange Sunday morning.

"Hey Em I heard some noise coming from your house a couple minutes ago," Sodapop said as he munched down on a bagel.

That's strange, my dad said he'd be gone for a while.

I walked out the door and looked to my right and saw a sign placed on the lawn. I walked over to it to get a closer look. I felt like my eyes were deceiving me because what I saw made my heart drop.


It was in big white letters. Sold? What?

I quickly went inside the house and it was basically empty. How could a house be sold that quickly? Where's my dad? Where is everything? I walked into the bathroom, all of my items weren't there anymore. How come I didn't notice anything. I barged into my bedroom and saw a box that said Emme's stuff. What is all this? How did I not know this was happening.

I walked over to it and opened it up. There was a note.

Emme, my darling. I've decided to leave. I can't stay in Tulsa any longer, it reminds me of your mother. That woman drove me crazy. I'm moving to a new state, somewhere where I can live a better life. I did not want to bring you because you have your life here in Tulsa, your friends, and your real family, your gang. I never really understood your bond until the death of Dan. They have always been there for you, more than me or your mother could. I left a note for Darry hoping that he could watch you for a while. I know you and Ponyboy haven't been on the best terms but hopefully, everything will be okay because you are going to start living with them. I hope you can understand this, I'll be in touch with you and try to head back home or have you visit me in California.


I dropped the letter. I was overfilled with emotion. Sadness, anger, depression, and happiness. It was all too bipolar for me. I sat down against the wall, holding the letter to me. I took a couple of deep breathes and decided to see what was in the box.

It was mainly my clothes and personal keepsakes but there were also my documents, like my birth certificate and legal guardian. Then there was an envelope that said give to Darryl.

What the fuck dad


I walked back to the house, or I guess my house now, carrying the box. Pony ran outside calling my name. He saw me and quickly stopped.

"hey, what's that?" He asked.

"My stuff." He looked confused, and he should be.

"What do you mean? That's not everything. I've seen your crap and it's a lot. Why are you holding it." He looked at me and then looked behind me. I could tell he saw the sold sign.

"Where's your dad?"

I just stared at him, because honestly, I don't even know the answer to that question besides happy California.

"My dad left me here... He dropped everything and left me for something else... A better job I think...He also wants me to give this to Darry." I said saying everything too fast. I handed the envelope to Pony and walked inside to Pony's room.

"Hey, sweetpea!-" Darry said but quickly stopped after seeing me storm into his room. I slammed the door behind me and tossed the box on the ground. I landed on his bed and quickly engulfed myself into the blankets to drown out my sorrows.

I wanted to be left alone, I didn't;t want to be comforted. I heard a couple knocks on the door and told them to go away.

"Em?" I heard a whisper after a knock. It sounded like Steve.

"What?" I said back.

The doorknob quickly moved and I saw a figure walk in through the mirror. It was Dallas. I could tell by his brown boots.

"Why are you here get out!" I yelled at him throwing a pillow.

He quickly moved and tried to say some words. "I just- wanted to- apologize from last- night!" He said trying to dodge everything I tossed at him.'


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