
972 8 9


1. Jocelyn flores by XXXTENTACION

2. 1-800-273-8255 by Logic

Emme Wilson

Numb. That's all I could think, not feel. I Didnt want to feel. The socs just dropped me where they picked me up. It was bright daylight and I could feel the sunlight on me. I was close enough to the lot. I didn't know where to go, I was to weak to deal with my dad and as well as my gang. I started walking hoping just to sneak into my house but it wasn't until when I went into my house everyone was there. The gang and my dad. They had a little celebration I guess you could call it that. Balloons were everywhere and my dad blew confetti as I walked through the doors.

"Em, I'm so sorry I haven't been more supportive but I'm so glad to have you back home, darling." He said as he hugged me. I didn't respond or smile. I just stood there and let me hug me. "Em? Are you okay?" I stood there emotionless. No one picked me up or tried to contact me. "Em what's up with your shirt?" My dad complained as he handed me a towel to cover myself.

I tried to murmur some words out but nothing but groans came out.

Soda pulled up a chair for me, I didn't sit down but I did drop my jacket.

"Em whats wrong you can tell us." Steve said.

"I got back yesterday." I whispered.

They all looked at each other as if I was crazy. "No you get back the 14th, and today is the 14th." Two-Bit said.

"No today is the 15th." I replied, I finally decide to sit down. "Oh we are sorry Em, how come you didn't come home?" My dad asked me.

"No one picked me up, I did come home. I walked almost home."

"Almost?" Soda asks.

"Yeah almost." I took a deep breath. "Socs jumped me."

"Oh Em, we are so sorry babygirl." Darry came up and hugged me.

"There's more." Darry let go of me and they all stared at me like lost dogs.

"I.." I dont think I have the courage to tell them. "They got me drunk." I said quietly.

"They got me drunk and put me inside their car. One drove as the other two started to undress me...they took me to an empty lot and the last thing I remember was hearing them laugh and a belt buckle." I said and all was left was silence. I stayed in the chair. My dad dropped his cup filled with gin. Gin, the same beverage I drank yesterday. I stood there. No one knew how to react. "Em.." Darry said to me as he came over and tried to hug me, I took a step back. I was nervous. "Em, I'm not gonna hurt you, lets take you to the hospital." My dad drove me to the hospital while the Curtis brothers took there own car.

We arrived at the hospital and they took me in a small room and there were some stools there. I layed there as the doctor inspected me.

"Well Mr. Wilson, your daughter is in fact not pregnant. Im guessing she got lucky or her lover wore a contraceptive."

"I was raped." I said to my doctor.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Do you remember how they looked like?"

"No, not really one had bleached blonde hair and the other had dark brown slick hair." I replied to her.


Pony boy walked in with Soda and Darry, we all talked for a bit and then Pony asked if he could talk alone with me.

"Em" he started to cry, "I'm so sorry."

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