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1. Roslyn by Bon Iver

Emme Wilson

I woke up with Ponyboy's arms around me. It felt nice to be comforted and love right now. We started school next week and also end our junior year next week, it was nerve-racking. I rolled over to the other side and I could feel Pony's grip get tighter on me.

"Please don't leave me Em, I love you." I turned around and looked at him. Oh No. He was dreaming about us.

"Pony?" I poked his chest. He didn't move. I decided to unravel the blanket and try to get out of bed but then Sodapop walked in and tackled me back into bed.

"WE HAVE WAFFLES!" He said with joy running out of his mouth.

"Oh god," I complained.

"Ponyboy wake up!" Soda said as he got on top of him. The air was pushed out of Ponyboy and he shot straight up. "I'm up, get off of me!" I laughed as Soda landed on his ass. I look over and Pony and give him a little smirk.

"What?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out into the living room where Darry was laying out plates for us to eat.

"Come on Em tell me!" Ponyboy yelled from across the hall. I look at him again and do the motions of locking my mouth. He groaned in frustration and sat down at the table.

We began to eat our food and thank Darry when he brought up what was inside of the envelope.

"So Emme it looks like your dad gave me legal rights to you as your parent guardian. I've always wanted a sister." He said nudging my arm.

"Wait does this mean that we are all siblings now?" Soda asked.

"I mean, legally yes but biologically no," I said as I chewed my food.

Soda burst out laughing. We all gave each other this weird look, something was up with Soda today.

"That means that when you and Pony dated, that's basically like incest!" He said laughing.

I rolled my eyes, "Not even you dummy, we weren't legally siblings at that time. Plus that's not how that works."

Soda rolled his eyes and mumbled a whatever.


After breakfast, I went back into ponyboy's room and tried to put all of my stuff away. I feel like a burden. My dad left me left Darry to deal with him, he was put on the spot. I could feel myself on the verge of crying but I decided I needed to man up and not waste any more tears on this. I rearranged some of Pony's stuff. I didn't have many clothes but I still had a handful. I decided that I would try to buy another dresser for me to use, I don't want to take up their space.

I walked back into the kitchen and offered to help Darry with the dishes. He said no but I still stayed there.

"You have something on your mind kid?" He asked me.

"I don't want to be a burden on you Darry, or even Soda and Pony," I told him as I could feel my throat get tight.

He put down the rag and looked at me, "Emme, in no way possible are you a burden, you are our family. We love you and we will always be here for you, even your dad knows that. He would've given custody to someone else if he didn't believe that we would be here for you." I cracked a little smile, that made me feel better.

I gave him a quick embrace, this was probably the best I can get to an actual father figure and he isn't even a dad!



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