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1. Any song :)

2. Play this at prom ;) Empty Space by James Arthur

Emme Wilson

Wow, this day couldn't get any better. That's what I thought in the beginning but man was I wrong.

I ran out of the gym and tripped on the stairs and broke my heel.

"Em please wait!"


Hours before prom

My heart filled with warmth. I was going to prom with Dallas Winston, what a stud muffin. It was a Saturday morning and the birds were chirping, at least I wish they did but it's not fairy tale movie. I rolled over looking straight at my window, I could see Sodapop applying his 'grease' into his hair.


I yelled at him and he quickly dropped the gel and turned around.

"Oh god what do you want Em? You gave me a heart attack." I just giggled and shut my window shut. He threw me a quick sign and it wasn't a friendly bird.

I got up and ran to the kitchen, no one was home.

I saw a note on the table, 'at work, have fun at prom'. Typical. My dad hasn't been home in the past what, Week? I groan and looked in the fridge, absolutely nothing. I didn't have any money so I couldn't buy anything.

I walked up the broken steps and knocked on the door, a little softer than usual. Sodapop opened the door. I gave him the biggest smile but he slammed the door in my face.

"Come on Sodaaaa..." I groaned knocking on the door a little louder.

Darry opened the door this time and I waved and said hello, but it was quickly slammed shut again.

"Sodapop, what the hell are you doing?" Darry said behind the door.

As I'm about to walk back Soda opens the door.

"Oh well look who it is, miss loud face." I rolled my eyes. I was about to walk in before Sodapop blocked the entrance with his body.

"Now what do you think your gonna get missy?"

"Come on Sodapop, I was wondering if I could have breakfast with you guys, my dad is gone and I have no money." I said with sad puppy eyes.

"Aw come on in Em, I'm sorry I had no idea." With that Sodapop let me in and I embraced him. I'm really surprised Sandy left him.

Darry cooked some eggs and hash browns which were beyond amazing. Ponyboy walked down stairs with a box of items, I could see some rose petals in there and a ripped teddy bear.

"What's in the box kid?" Sodapop asked.

"It was something for Em- Oh hey Emme." He sputtered out.

He never calls me Emme, always Em. I gave him a quick smile because my mouth was full of food. He looked really sad. He walked outside and came in with nothing, he must've tossed out the box and everything in it.

"Well thank you so much Darryl for the breakfast it was amazing." I smiled and walked out the door. But I was locked inside because Two-bit and Steve came barging in.

"oH it's EMME!" Steve yells as he grabs me and tosses me over my shoulder. I start to kick and punch Steve's back.

"Come on Steve I gotta go home and get ready for prom!" I yelled.

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