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1. Why did it have to be me by Mamma Mia

Emme Wilson

Pony and I decided we would take the day and head up to the church. I've never been there but I've heard a handful of stories about Johnny and pony back in the day causing damage to that poor little church.  Pony packed a little picnic date for us, inside we had a deck of cards, some cigarettes, and some sandwich supplies for lunch.

"Hey Soda, do you mind if we can take your truck for 2 hours or so?" I asked Soda as we headed out the door already with his keys. We were taking the car no matter what, we just wanted to ask just in case.

"Sure thing babydoll, I trust you to drive the car more the Pone, he almost wrecked it last week."

"I did not, come on Soda!" Pony groaned as we walked through the front door.

Ponyboy closed the door and we walked down the steps to the truck. We hoped in and I put the key in and we were off.

"So, what I'm hearing is that you are a bad driver..." I smirked at Ponyboy. He slapped my arm, I pretended to be in pain.

"I didn't even hurt his precious truck, I didn't dent it at all!" Ponyboy grunted and crossed his arms.

"Then what did you do?" I asked him, I could tell he didn't want to tell me.

"I may have driven 2 miles with the parking break on..." He whispered.

"What did you say?" I asked again, he was quiet.

"I may have driven 2 miles with the parking break on..." He said a little bit louder.

"Say it one more time?" I heard it that time but I just wanted to annoy him.

"I MAY HAVE DRIVEN TWO MILES WITH THE PARKING BREAK ON!!!!" He yelled and faced towards the window.

"Awww Pone," I say giggling, "You are such a fool."


We arrived at the church and parked the truck a little bit away, the view was breath taking. We settled down and walked inside. It was kinda dusty but could thing Pony brought a blanket that we could sit down on. 

I remember Pony telling me stories about this place, how him and Johnny stayed up here for a couple days. They made sandwiches and read gone in the wind.

We put the blanket down and sat down the basket, we started making our sandwiches.

"Do you want ham or turkey?" I asked him.

"Ham," He replied, shuffling the deck of cards we had.

I placed the ham and then I placed turkey on mine.

I handed him his sandwich and we enjoyed the view and talked about small things. It was a nice and cute little date.

We ate our sandwiches pretty quickly and then we decided to play some cards.

We played go fish for about a couple minutes until I got fed up with him cheating.

"Pony, you are definitely cheating don't even try to deny it." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I am not cheating," by the look of his face I knew he was.

I threw my cards at him and he moved away, I realized I was in trouble. He immediately tackled me and started to tickle me, "Pony stop!" I giggled.

He pinned me down to the ground and started to tickle my neck with kisses.

"Hehe stop Ponyboy!" I couldn't contain myself, it was hot and also ticklish.

he kept moving down and down until he was at my chest and bless my soul for wearing a v-neck today. he layered kisses all over me and came back up to me and put one right on my lips.

"I swear I wasn't cheating."

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