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1. Lunar light by Souly Had

2. Straightjacket Quinn XCII

Emme Wilson

Dallas walked me home, it was real sweet. He let me borrow his jacket, even though we walked for less than a minute.

"Well, here we are, casa de Wilson!" He exclaimed as he walked me to my front door.

"Dally, your too sweet." I smiled with a giggle. "And your too cute doll." I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. He leaned in to me, oh no don't kiss me now. He kissed my forehead, and left me with a smile on my face.

I opened my door, and I was greeted by my dad. He looked a little different,but still the same.

"Em..." He said, I could feel his sorrow on my shoulders. He came to me and engulfed me as if I was a teddy bear. I was smothered by his warm rough arms which immediately brought me back to my family, Dan, Mom, and Dad.

"I'm glad your home, I will try my hardest to keep you safe baby." He said and I somewhat believed him, I dont know why but a part of me knew he was telling the truth.


I was heading back to school today, I was ready for the glares. I walked outside after I said goodbye to my dad. I slowly started walking, the rest of the gang had already graduated besides me , Johnny, and Pone. We were juniors, well Pone and Johnny have been juniors for 3/4 of a year already, I missed most of it. I started walking towards school as I hear an engine rev. You have got to be kidding me.. I could hear snickering already behind me. I thought the socs would be done with me.

"Come on let's give her a ride.." I could here a voice but I can't identify it.

"I don't want her inside, I'm not talking with her." Another said.

I don't know who these socs are. I heard them get closer and I decided to turn around and see Sodapop and Pony in a truck. I looked at them and put my hands on my hips.

"You guys scared the shit out of me!" I said as I stomped and turned around to keep walking. I wasn't dealing with this today, my first day back.

"Come on Em! We want to give you a ride, Pony is being stubborn!" I could hear a "Am not!" in the background. "Soda, I dont want to bother you guys!" I said as I kept walking. "Em, you never bother us, Pony is just on his period. Get in the car you are gonna be late." Soda said as he stopped the truck.

I looked over and Soda opened the door. I grabbed it and pulled my self in, I looked at Pone. He looked fairly good, I could tell he hasn't been getting much sleep, his eyes were puffy.

Ponyboy Curtis

She came inside the car, she looked beautiful. The way her brown hair flowed on her shoulders like chocolate fudge. The way she closed the door with her fragile yet rough hands. The way she pushed her glass up with her middle finger as if she wanted to flip you off. They way she smiled at literally anything. I think she could tell I was staring at her for too long, I quickly changed my glance away and looked out the window.

"Geez Pone, stop looking at Em as if she was a sunset." Soda said calling me out. Emme looked over to me as he said that and she pushed her hair behind her ear. She looked away and clutched her backpack closer to her.


After he dropped us off, we went into our own directions. I had Physics first so It wasn't a big deal. She's been here before, she knows her way around. I was able to catch up with Johnny and Gabe, a timid boy from physics. He's real sweet and he has been sitting with us lately. He's got this sweet ocean eyes and caramel eyes. I think Em would love his eyes, she's always talking about the ocean and wanting to see it.

"Hey Horsey!"

I got pushed against a locker. I hit my head against a lock and everything got blurry for a minute. "Your girlfriend is back, go control her!" Jason yelled as he let me down with a swift drop that landed me on my knees. I turn to my right and I could see her fudge hair. She opened her locker and it was filled with pictures and drawings of just blood and the dingo. Everyone at the school knew what happened, but no one talked about it. I got most of the beatings but I didn't mind. I could see her looking sad from it, she picked on up and put her hand over her mouth. I could hear her quiet sobs as she slammed the door and turned around, she locked eyes with me. I was sitting down and Jason grabbed me by my straight shoulders and shook me straight. He lifted me by the collar till I was choked. I kicked him in that region and he fell down. I landed on my hands and started coughing a fit. I could hear foot steps, and I looked down, it was Emme's vans. I could tell from anywhere, she had a white mark on the black part which made her shoe's different from anyone else.

"Hey back off alright what do you have against him?" She said as I got up.

"Em, it's fine really." I said grabbing my arm. "No it's not."

"Aw is she defending your pride?" He said to me. I pushed him back and he took a step back and as he moved forward Emme walked in front and got the slam against the locker. Her glasses fell to the ground and I could hear the shatter. Fuck. I look up expecting to see her pressed against the locker but I was wrong.

"Look I dont know what's your deal but get a move long." She said to him.

"My deal is that he got his heart broken by a criminal." He said as his friends chuckled.

"Who? Me? He broke up with me." She said it so plainly. With no emotion, she was over me that quickly after the biggest mistake I had made.

She looked down at me and I got up, she grabbed my arm and brushed my shoulders off. "If you got a problem come to me alright, stop crying to him." She said as she grabbed my wrist and took me away.

"Well, I do have a problem." Jason said as he swept her off her feet by tripping her. She didn't fell completely but she lost balance. Thank god she wore jeans today and not a skirt. She walked up to him and gave a quick hit to the shin with her leg. He bent over in agony and then grabbed Emme by the waist and pushed her down. She was below him and I could tell she was freezing up and seemed scared. He had her pinned to the ground and she squirmed around. "Ya you like that grease?" He whispered in her ear. She quickly lifted her knee and hit his stomach, he groaned over in pain. She started crawling away as he grabbed her ankle. She kicked him in the nose and quickly got up.

"Wilson! My office now!"


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