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oh my god its been a century and I'm so sorry! I've had a break and lowkey forgot about wattpad, I have a lot of AP classes, so ill try to write as much as I can and oMG 5K readings HOLY SMOKES I LOVE U ALLLL!!

Sound track

1. Medicine by Daughter

2. Over my head by The Fray

We exited the hospital, no one talked on the way home. I felt disgusted with myself, I think they were disgusted with me. I felt like I belonged nowhere. I wanted to go home and curl up in a ball, but I couldn't. Where was home? Definitely not with my dad, or the Curtises. Darry made a left turned and we came down our street and the lot. Memories flood of everything. I looked out the window and I could feel Ponyboy's gaze at me. I didn't have the strength to look back at him with his puppy dog eyes. I felt tears shed down and I quickly wiped them. We all got out of the house and the rest of the gang was there. Darry opens the door and everyone looks at me. Dally wasn't here, but I guess that's expected. Two-Bit was there with some chocolate cake and a teddy bear. Johnny stayed there scared but I could tell by the look in his eyes he was sincere. I felt soda's warm embrace surround my body as he engulfed me into a warm hug, he whispered soft things into my ears. Darry walks by and squeezes my hand. He walks into the kitchen and gives me a wink. Ponyboy is now left to me and he looks at me. Eyes were puffy and he stared at me as he sniffled. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out, I could hear him whisper. "Why?"

Emme Wilson

"Are you serious?!" I yelled at Ponyboy, he was taken back by that. "Maybe if you didnt break up with me we wouldn't be in this mess! Hell I wouldn't have been raped!" I screamed as tears landed on my shirt. Everyone looks at us.

"You broke up with her?" Johnny stuttered. Did he not tell anyone? Why would he keep it a secret?

"Man what about your big plan for junior prom?" Two-BIt explains.

Prom? What about prom, was he gonna ask me?

"Two-BIt that was a secret!" Darry exclaims from the kitchen, "Not anymore.." Pony says as he runs to his room. We all heard the door slam and I stand there, what have I done?

Dallas runs through the front door, "Em!?" He calls for me and I turn around to look at him. I start crying and he runs to me, he hold me in a warm embrace. I haven't felt like this in a while. I could hear footsteps but didn't pull apart from Dal. "Get off her." I heard a voice from behind me. I turn around and see Pone, "No, you abandoned her man, when she needed you the most." Dallas lets go of me and turns towards Pony. I could see this wrath in Pone's eyes. Instead of hazel I say a deep ember, slowly igniting. He charges full speed at Dallas. Dal takes a step back and loses his balance and falls to the ground.

"Soda get Pony!" Darry yells from the kitchen. Soda comes rushing in as Dallas and Pony are throwing punches. Pony is soon dragged off from Dal without a scratch. Dallas is soaked in blood from his nose bleed. I rush to him and quickly cut off a part of my shirt and hold it to his nose. Look at pony and he has a sincere look on his face. He quickly storms off and heads to his room again, slamming the door.

"Dallas you didn't have to do that." I say as I took a seat next to him. "Yes I did, he has no right to say that about you." I kneel down next to him, but he gets up and cleans his face. "Let's walk you home doll face."

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