cuarenta y seis

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1. heart$ by Luke Christopher

Emme Wilson

We were throwing lefts and rights out of nowhere. I wasn't trying to take on anyone who was bigger than me but there were a couple of scrawny socs so I decided I would teach them a lesson. I was on the back on this one brunette, kicking and pushing all around. My hand hurts pretty badly though, after punching randy. After what the socs had done to me, I felt like it was my right of passage.

I was fighting and thriving in this until I was pulled off from their back. I fell to the ground and looked up, it was randy.

"Hey Randel, did something change, or are you still a dirtbag?" He spat down at me. I wiped it off my face and tried to get up but someone had grabbed my ankle. I tried to shove them away but then he started to drag me a little. I tried to find a rock or literally anything to throw at them.

"Lift her up!" Someone yelled from far away. I kicked and shoved. I was not going down.

Randy lifted my up and held me from my chest, his arms locked around my back. 

"Have at it!" I said spitting at the soc across from me.

He threw a couple of punches at my gut and I held it in but it really hurt like a bitch. It wasn't until I was spitting blood at his face that he had stopped. Randy let go of my and I stood up before I was swooped off of my feet. The soc in front of my quickly swept his foot under mine and I lost my balance and landed on my left ankle, I definitely heard a crack.

Sirens were filling my ear but so was the sound of my ankle breaking. 

Everyone immediately spread out, rushing away to their mustangs or to their home before the cops could get them.

As I fell and stayed on the floor trying to grab my ankle but I couldn't touch it without screaming.

"PONY!" I said, crying now. I couldn't find anyone but I saw Dallas and Johnny running the socs off the lot. Darry was lifting Pony off from the ground and Soda and Steve were pushing each other around. 

Two-bit was the only one that heard me.

"Guys! Come here, Em is hurt," Two-bit yelled as he run to my side.

He kneeled down beside me, looking at my visible bone.

Pony was limping towards me, all bruised up. My hearing was starting to phase away but I could still hear the sirens.

"All right everybody go home or head to our house, I'll take Em to the ER," Darry said as he picked me up.

"OOW!" I yelled as I winced at the pain.

"Emme! I'm coming Darry!" Pony yelled as he tried to catch up to us.

"Pony, go home and clean up, let me take her." 

I saw Soda hold onto Pony as he pushed him away. Darry rested me onto the passenger seat of the truck.

I looked out the window, seeing everyone run away, we didn't want the heat on us.

"it's gonna be okay Doll." I sat in the truck but honestly, everything was a blur. I could tell Darry was buckling his seat belt up and turning on the car, but the drive to the hospital was nonexistent. 

"Emme please kept your eyes open, I don't want you to pass out or anything like that please please." He said, I could hear the grief in his voice.

"God damnit," he slammed his hands on the wheel as he hit another red light. He slammed on the breaks and rested his head against the steering wheel. He looked up, left and right.

"Screw it," he immediately ran through the light and I heard a couple of honks go off.


When we arrived in the hospital, I had to have surgery in order to replace the bone, apparently, there was too much damage and the pain would've been unbearable. I tried to fight this with Darry, we didn't have the money.

"Em, I don't care, you are going to get the best care, we can figure the rest later!" Darry yelled at me.

"No! I won't let you go into debt because of me Darry!"


I lied in the bed as Darry came back from the waiting room, still banged up. I could see some officers standing outside.  

"They want a statement, it could help us pay this off, but once you are ready." He says with emotion in his voice. I looked over at my ankle. I tried reaching toward the left side but It hurt to move.

"They can come in," I say restless.

As the two officers walk in, Darry stands by the door.

"Hello Miss Wilson, we just wanted to receive a view questions from the fight early this evening."

I smiled and nodded.

"Who initiated the fight?" I thought about it for a moment, "Randel sir."

They both looked at each other and wrote some notes down. They only asked me a couple more questions before they walked out of my room.

"That's all you need?" I asked, I felt nosey but I really needed some money to help Darry out.

"Well, we already got information from other participants and all arrows point to Randel, especially since he harmed you and it's literally your birthday, get some rest, you'll be hearing from an attorney later on and hopefully, a very big check." With that, he walked out.

"Wow, that could'be gone so much worse, especially with my previous history." I looked at Darry as Soda and Pony walked in. Soda stood by the door blowing me kisses as Pony rushed towards me. I was still pretty banged up so before he could kiss me Darry grabbed him from his waist and lifted him into a chair.

"Pony, she's still sore, just hold her hand, don't bombard her." He said.

Pony grabbed the closet chair and pulled it up to me. He gently grabbed my hand and held it with his.

"I am so glad your okay, you scared the living shit out of me."

I smiled at him, "I'm a big girl babe, I just need you to carry me home." I say chuckling as Soda and Darry walked out of the room.

"Hey Darry?" I looked up to him before he walked out, "Thank you for everything you do, I love you, and you too Soda." I say giving them a big smile. They looked at me and smiled.

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