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1. Sad song by We The Kings

Emme Wilson

I remember it as it was yesterday. The blood everywhere, his blade in his stomach. A light shiny blue blade in the right hazel eyes. Everyone made fun of him with his beautiful eyes. Him and Soda always shined bright. To this day Randy could die in a whole for all I care, Nick, I'm pretty positive left town.

I remember every detail, the blood, the taste of blood, and the taste of salt in my tears. I even remember having Dal pulling me off. Holding me tight, I'm pretty positive Pone fell, due to the sight of so much blood, imagine if he was a girl, he wouldn't survive every month.

I chuckle at the thought of it, "Why are you laughing?" Pony asked me.

"Because blood, and you fainting, and periods. Oh my whats wrong with me?" I say holding my head in my hands. I feel a strong arm slither around my waist, "nothings wrong with ya doll." Pony said kissing my forehead.

I look at him and I feel tears shed, "Aw I'm sorry Em." He engulfs me in a hug and we lay down onto the couch, he wraps the blanket around us.


"What in ( wot in tarnation ) the name of Oklahoma is going on here?" I hear a voice. I quickly get up from my warm spot, losing the scent of us. I open my eyes and see Darry. "Um... cuddling?" I say. "Darrel, let them be in love! I mean they are cute!" Soda squealed. Sometimes I think he is the sister in their family.

I got up tried moving Pony to wake up. "HORSEMAN.." I say in a tone. He shoots up and looks at me. I gave him a little peck on the nose, "I'll be back later tonight." I say getting up and grabbing my jacket.

"Wait Em!" Pony says grabbing my arm. I turn around, "Dingo tonight, wear something black." He said before pecking me on the lips. "Wow Pone, so demanding as always. Eager." I said with a walk before I walked out.

I was heading home, I need to relax. I walked through the front door and realized some items were gone. "Mom! Dad!? I'm home!" I yelled. My voice echoed through the small house. I turned a corner and say my dad. "Hey where is mom?" He was sitting on the dinning table with newspaper in hand, probably looking for a job. "She left." He said point blank. My heart dropped. "What, already!?" I said. "She didn't bother waiting for me, to say goodbye love you sweetheart!?" I started to yell. "Please Emme. Im sorry." My dad said, I could tell he was stressed out.

"Dad I can work, I'm 15! I can help, I can work at the dingo or look for more diners. Hell I can work with Soda and Steve at the DX!" I said spitting out ideas. "No that won't be necessary." My dad said with one final breath. I walked toward my room and lay on my bed. I look over to the window to see Pony lying down too. I open my window, I look for something to throw but he already open his. "Hey stranger." I said.

"Howdy." He said with an accent, "God that was terrible." I said. "Hey no fair, thats rude Sista."


I look through my closet to look for my black outfit. I decided to go with a high rise black skirt with my white tank top and Dan's old black jacket. I've mostly stole his jackets after what had happened.

I was walking outta my room and saw my dad, "Hey dad can I ask you something?" He responded with a nod.

"Did Dan... I don't know .. made you and mom stressed out?" I asked him. He was triggered as soon as I said 'Dan'.

"You think your brother was the reason we divorced?" He asked me raising his voice. "Well no I was just curious of with his death you guys got stressed out."

"I don't know what do you think Em, what happens after you lose your first child, you loved and raised. We never knew it would ever happen to him, why do you think we are always protective of you." He said sighing.

"I'm sorry Dad, it's just we never talked about it before." I said and with that I went up to him and peck his forehead, "I'll be back later tonight, I'm going out."

"And with who?" He asked.

"Horseman Curtis." I said strutting away.

"He better treat you right."

"OH he will Dad."

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