cuarenta y siete

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1. Prom Dress by mxmtoon

Emme Wilson

Who knew that I'd be shopping for prom dresses with Michelle in a big ole cast and crutches. 

"What do you think about this one Em?" She walked out with a red strapless dress with her strawberry blonde hair in the front.

"Oh that's the one," I say smiling.

After she takes off her dress she sits down and I hand her my crutches as I limp over to my pile of dresses to try on. I didn't have many but I did have one that I really liked, it was white, but I decided to try that one on last. 

I first tried on the black dress with a slit in the middle.

I walked out and looked in the mirror but I realized that the cast around my leg kinda made the slit look lame. 

I changed and slipped into this dark burgundy dress, it was mermaid style but once again the cast ruined it. It was tight in the right places but as it got to my leg it had a weird bump.

I tried on multiple dresses and the only one that worked was the white one.

When I put it on, the straps rested on my shoulders and the top was tight but the bottom was flowy, so you couldn't even tell that I had a cast on. I think I was gonna get a boot so that I wouldn't have to have crutches, it worked out perfectly.

"What about this one?" I was giving up and this was the last one so I hoped it looked good.

"Oh my god Em, Pony will drool in this dress."

Michelle and I walked towards the front desk to wrap our dresses and to pay for them,

Pony better be excited.

Prom Afternoon

I already ate my lunch and took my shower and now it was just time to do my makeup and hair. I decided to go light and do a natural look, using a lot of beige and brown colors. I put my hair up in this high ponytail and had some strands on the front with some of them being curled. It looked pretty good.

Soda decided to check up on me while I was curling the last minute strands.

"Em, are you almost ready?" He walked in and gasp.

"Wow Emme, you look like a real lady." He said chuckling as I threw my shoe at me.

"You really look beautiful, Pony is a lucky man, and I'm a lucky friend." He said blowing me a kiss.


I slipped my dress on and put on my white wedges and before I knew it, I was ready for my senior prom. 

Darry let Pony and I drive the truck to the prom. I walked out into the living room and Darry and Soda were standing there, grabbing the Polaroid and shooting a quick picture of me.

"Guys, stop," I said giggling.

Pony was standing behind them, "Come on let me see, move guys." He said pushing through them.

His jet hair was slicked back, he wore a black tux with a cute little grey bowtie attached to his neck. In his hands was a white corsage with black ribbons in them. His suit shined in the hot Tulsa weather.

"Wow, wow, erm I, wow." He murmured.

I chuckled, "Not too shabby yourself." I said pecking him on the cheek. He handed me the corsage and placed it on my wrists and then dipped me and peck my lips. Darry shot a quick picture and then I smiled.

"Alright, you kids go out and have fun, but not too much fun!!!" Darry yelled shooing us outside.

We walked down the front steps and I stole the keys from Pony.

"Hey Pone, come here real quick you forgot something!" Soda yelled from inside.

"I'll be back." I saw him walk inside and see Soda hand him two items, I couldn't tell what it was but I didn't really care, I was excited for tonight.


As we drove to the school, Pony rested his hand on my thigh

He leaned over to me and placed kisses all over my neck.

"Hehe Pony, stop..." I say chuckling. He leaned away and rested his head on my shoulder.


I parked the truck in the school lot and we walked out towards the entrance. Johnny and Michelle were already inside. I had no idea where Gabe was. When we walked inside, the gym was filled with lights everywhere, a band played at the front of the gym, and punch was being spiked without teachers knowing.

Pony and I walked out towards the dance floor and just started to sway. But once an upbeat song started to play, Pony grabbed my hand and swung me around, I was spinning. I started to laugh as my dress swirled in the direction of my body moving. I looked over at Ponyboy and he smiled as he clicked his shoes to the dance floor. He pulled me in and dipped me for a quick second. When he pulled me back up and pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Hey, guys!" Michelle said as she walked over towards us with Johnny wrapped around her arm. She wore the red dress and Johnny had a black-tie across his body.

A nice slow song started to play and we all leaned against our dates and just listened to the breathing. 

I looked up at Pony, he grabbed my hand and brought it to his chest and gave it a quick squeeze.

"I love you, darling." Pony says as he leans away from me.

"I love you too baby," I whispered into his ear. I leaned away and pecked his lips before resting my head back on his chest.

We danced like this for a couple more minutes and then we decided to take a quick break. We sat down at a little table and watched as Michelle and Johnny danced. "They are cut aren't they?" I said looking over at Pony. 

"Yes they are, but not as cute as us," he said to me as he pulled my chair closer to him. I giggled and leaned over to him and rested my legs inbetween his. I gave him a quick kiss and before I could lean away, he grabbed my cheeks and held me in for a longer kiss.

"You wanna go dance again?" He said whispering in my ear before leaning away.

I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand and lead me onto the floor.

Another upbeat song started to swing in motion and this time I was in front of Pony, bodies collided. I swayed side to side and he held my hands out. This type of dance got me moving. He was swinging my arms and then we twisted me around and we snaked our legs in between each other as we went lower and lower. He brought me back up and dipped me one last time before sliding his hand on my lower thigh. Feeling his hand on my thigh made me think mad thoughts. I was thinking about all of the things I'd let him do to me in that tux.

"Pony, you really know how to drive a woman crazy, even while she's in a cast."  I grabbed his arm and led him off the dance floor as we stood by the exit.

"You wanna go outside for a bit and get some fresh air?" I said, he smiled and we walked outside.

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