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I have bad writers block right now please don't hurt me

Sound track

1. I'm in love with the coco by Hitimpulse

Emme Wilson

We were walking to the Dingo, when a couple of socs showed up.

"Aw come on this is been going on for too long." Soda said. We kept walking and they started to yell greasers.

We heard their car stop, I turned around and they walked up. "Do you have a problem?" I asked.

"Yeah, you." One said and they snickered. "Oh really because we weren't the ones to stroll up onto our side of the territory." I replied.

"Well Wilson we don't care." Randy said as he came outta no where.

"OH great the biggest clown outta them all is here." I said.

"Let's go Em." Soda said. I turned back and started walking with them as Randy grabbed my arm. "Let go of me!" I yelled. Pony came running over and pushed Randy off of me and we decide it would be best to run to the dingo.


We arrived at the dingo and sat down at a booth. Sylvia came up and took our orders. "Can we get four burgers with four cokes?" Darry said. She walked over to the bar and put down our order.

"So kids, what have you been up to?" Darry asked. "Not much besides Em tossing a cake at me and Soda and we had to chase her." Pony said giving me a glare. "Well it resulted in a good way." I said nudging Pone.

Soda gave us a look. "Well Steve and I worked all day and Sandy and Evie decided to come on over and give us some company." Soda said. "Well I roofed houses all day. I guess we all have been doing nothing really quite fun."

Yeah well, Pony and I were holding hands underneath the table. It' was pretty fun.


We walked home and arrived at the Curtis residence. I decide to spend the night since my parents are arguing and packing. I lay down on the bed with Pony, "Wanna go hangout with Johnny tomorrow?" He asked me. "Sure, where to." "Oh there is this old abandon church we go to some times, got some pretty cool owls." He said chuckling.

"it scared Johnny once." He said.

"Well, that kid gets scared a lot." I reply.

"Alright kiddos time to go to bed." Soda said entering, "Move over Em I call the left side, you can be in the middle and we will make an Emme sandwich." Soda said jumping over me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Ugh." I groaned as they hug me. "So are you guys finally a thing?" Soda asked us.

Before I could respond, Pone got up and look at Soda, "What do you think?" He asked his older brother.

"Wellllllll...." He said, I could tell he was faking it.

Pony groaned and grabbed me up real quick.

"Hey I'm tire-" He cut my off with a quick peck on the lips.

"Well you always wanted to kiss her sooo." Soda said.

"Sodapop Curtis shut your pie hole, yes are a thing." Pony said turning his back from us.I turned over to look at Soda, he had a stupid grin on his face showing the world he was a proud brother.


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