trienta y siete

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1. Smooth by Santana

Emme Wilson

It was the end of the first period and I told Pony I'd meet him by the lockers. I was waiting for a couple of seconds until I saw him walking my way. A smile slowly crept onto my face and I started to walk towards him.

I noticed a figure come into the picture, Belle Johnson. She was miss barbie at this school. Perfect blonde hair, perfect blue eyes, she was quite literally a barbie doll.

I slowed down my walk and Pony was cut off by her. She quickly asked him a couple of things, I couldn't pick out what but he chuckled a bit and then she walked away from him, slowly grazing his forearm. There was this boiling water inside of me. Jealousy. I let out a groan and started to walk towards him again.

"Hey, baby." He said wrapping his arm around mine.

"Hi," I said with a plain tone.

"What's wrong?"


"Don't tell me you are jealous,"

I responded with silence.

There was a gasp followed by a pause, "Emme Wilson is jealous?" Pony said chuckling.

"It's not funny," I said rolling my eyes.

"It's and its extremely cute." He said as he pecked my cheek.

"I'll see you at lunch okay?"


The end of the day came so quickly and I was ready, I was tired of everyone looking at Pony like he's some fresh meat just waiting to be eaten. It was honestly stressing me out than anything. I usually don't this mainly because Pony will eat me alive but he doesn't need to know.

I pulled out a pack of cigarettes I had hidden in my bag. I was waiting for Pony and he was nowhere to be seen, probably talking with that Belle. I quickly lite the cigarette and placed it gently on my lips. Inhaling and holding the smoke and then exhaling felt amazing. Pony and I used to smoke alot together but we kinda stopped and he didn't like it when I did it really.

I let out a few more puffs and then I heard a yell.

"Emme!" Pony said signaling towards him.

I quickly dropped my smoke and crushed it with my shoe.

"Were you smoking?" Pony asked me.

"No..." I said as I hid the pack behind me.

Pony let out his hand and I waited a couple of seconds until I brought it out.

He grabbed the pack from my hand and stared into my eyes.

He opened the box and grabbed two cigarettes from it. I was shocked by this. "Well, are you gonna light me up baby or nah?" He said with one of them between his lips.

Why was this so hot to me...

I was struggling, in a trance. I frantically searched for my lighter in my pocket and got ahold of it. I flicked it until a little orange flame came out.

"Thanks, doll."

"You aren't mad?" I asked surprised.

"Em, I honestly think you smoking is the hottest thing on this planet but I don't want you to die," he replied.

Wow, I was completely taken back by that. He handed me the other cigarette and placed it into my mouth. He grabbed the lighter from me and slowly lit my cigarette. He had this cute little smirk on his face.

"Pony, I am so tired of taking this slow, it's only been one or two days and I'm immensely jealous and I just want to go back to the way things were." I took another puff of the cigarette and then held it in between my fingers as I pulled Pony close to me. I pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and quickly pulled him into a deep kiss. I could taste the smoke that was lingering in his mouth, but yet it didn't taste awful. I pulled away but he pulled me back into it and sneaked his hand around my neck. 

"Emme I've been waiting for that." He said kissing my lips one more time.

I smiled, "Okay but the flirting from Belle has to go because I will lose it." I quickly gave him a quick shove as we walked home.

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