cincuenta finale

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1. Graduation by Benny Blanco

Emme Wilson

"Pony come on we are going to be late to our own graduation!" I stood by the passenger door of the truck as Soda honks the horn one last time. Pony comes running out with his blue gown racing behind him and quickly grabs his cap before it rolls off his head. I groan and hop in the car, making him sit in the backseat.

"Are you guys ready?" Soda says as he looks over to me and checks the rearview mirror for Pony's reaction.

I mean heck were we ready, it was a little nerve-racking.

"We are, it's time."


I stood far away from Pony. They were reading us alphabetically so Curtis>Wilson. It's okay though, he went first, he was one of the many Salutatorian. They all stood at the end of the stage to wave off the other graduates so I was able to give him a quick wink when I walk across the stage.

I kept getting closer and closer to the stage and I could see the gang in the crowd, all sitting there and Darry with his little polaroid.

We were in the letter O and I finally saw Johnny make his way to his seat.

They called the graduates and then they had to go through a pattern of exits to get back to their seat.

We were V and then we started W. I heard them say, "Emme Wilson". I walked up the stage holding a bit of my blue gown so that I wouldn't trip in my black heels. I smiled towards the announcer and shook hands with our principal who I haven't seen in the longest time. He handed me my diploma and then I quickly wave towards the audience before they call the next name. I kept on walking and before I made it to the other stairs across the stage, I felt a hand grab at my wrist and twirl me around.

My lips connected with Ponyboy's and there were a lot of 'Oooo's and groans coming from everywhere. I smiled and then pushed him away because I knew they would separate us eventually.

I could feel Darry rolling his eyes and Soda throwing his fists in the air, being proud of his little brother.


"Pony, did you really have to kiss her on the stage?" Darry smacks the back of Pony's head.

"Ow Darry. Yes, yes I did, she deserved it." He says reaching for his neck.

Soda discreetly had his hand lying out so that Pony could high-five him. Darryl saw that and smacked both of their heads.


When we got home, I unzipped my gown and I had my white dress underneath it. It was a nice sun dress, nothing special. We walked inside and the rest of the gang was sitting there with decorations everywhere. They screamed a couple of congrats and showered us in hugs and kisses.

This is where things got sad. Before all of this, I had gotten accepted to a pretty nice school in California. My plan was to stay here in Tulsa and work as much as I can and then head over there in the fall. Pony and everyone knew this but Pony never told me his college plans, I'm just guessing they weren't going accordingly. But, we promised each other that I'd come to visit on breaks and we tried to call once a week.

Dallas comes out of nowhere with a bottle of champagne. This man is really full of surprises. I walked over to Pony and pecked his cheek and Johnny walked up to Dal and grabbed the champagne and took a quick swig. We all chuckled at the sight of innocent Johnny 'letting loose'.

"Em, can we go talk real quick?" My heart sunk.

I looked at Pony and I nodded. All these thoughts started to flood my head.

Is he breaking up with me?

Did he cheat?

Does he not love me anymore?

He grabs my hand and we walk towards our shared room. He lets me in first and then locks the door behind him.

"So, I don't really know how to say this but I'm going to be blunt and forward." He said while shfting his body a bit.

This boy is seriously dumping me on Gradnite.

I looked up at him and I could feel the tears starting to brim.

"Wait, are you crying?" He says stopping his tracks.

"I'm scared of what you are going to say." I moved my tears.

"No no no Em this is a good thing, or I think it's a good thing at least." He says walking towards me. He sits down beside me and grabs my hand.

"I got a job in California for engineering." He blurted out.

I sniffled a bit and looked up at him, "What?"

"Well, I didn't get accepted into many schools in Tulsa but I did apply to a local college in California that has a great engineering program and they are offering me an apartment that I can live in and it's an easy distant from work and everything."

"I knew that you were going to California and your school is only a 15-20 minute bus ride from the apartment they are providing." He murmurs.

"I know you were planning on staying here and working to get some money but I was wondering if you wanted to move with me beforehand and we could enjoy our summer at California Beaches and start to find jobs of our own, live our lives."

I didn't know what to say, I was overfilled with joy, excitement, and fear.

"Please say something." Pony whispers.

I look down and then I look over to him, "You and I, some cute outfits, some drinks, and our toes in the sand? That sounds like the life I want with you." I smile up at him. We were only 18, new graduates, but I mean its the 60s anything is possible.

"Wait, seriously?!" He shrieks.

"Ponyboy Curtis, I love you and maybe we are meant to be forever. I know that I want to be with you and the thought of us living our life together and thriving through this new experiences is making me full of excitement. It'll be a bit scary but I know we can handle it."

I look over at him and pecked his lips.

"Did she say yes???" Dallas whispers behind the door.

"You dumbass shut up," Two-Bit says and we hear a budge.

I rolled my eyes.

"Open the door..." I yell and before they were able to open it fully, I grabbed the closest shoe I could find and throw it at them.

"You told them and not me?" I chuckled.

"I needed some help from the boys."


It was around 7pm and Pony and I decided that we should slowly start to pack. We were finding some boxes when Darry came in.

"Hey, here you go." He threw us the keys of the truck.

'What's this for?" Pony asks.

"Well, you think you're flying to Californa?" Darry chuckles.

I looked over at Pony and then I ran to Darry's arms, "I love you so much."

"Just don't hurt her."

Darry walked out of our room and we continued to pack. I don't think we knew what California had for us, but all I knew is that Pony may have screwed me over but it was worth it, maybe I won't be worried over there...

WOWOWOWOOW OKAY, that's the ending. Maybe it's a bad one maybe it's not but all I can say is thank you so much for the support and love. This story really opened me up to my creative side and it made me so happy to write it. I'm definitely writing a sequel and I think I'm gonna start wrting some chapters soon but thank you all for everything!! <3

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